
Saturday, January 3, 2009

Bedtime, mom do we really have to sleep?

FiFi and Wyn got a Nintendo DS for Christmas. Of course this was a big hit and they have wanted to play them non-stop since they got them. I might be a mean mom but I really limit the time my kids get to play video games, watch TV, and play computer. I don't have anything against electronics but my kids would do it non-stop so I encourage them to use their imagination, play outside, read, you know the good stuff.

So I tuck in all three kids into bed around 9:00pm last night. They have gotten into this bad habit over Christmas break of staying up late. I didn't mind at first but they have to go back to school in two days. On school nights we get ready for bed at 7:30pm and they are tucked by 8:00pm. I was feeling good about getting everyone into bed by 9:00pm when I go downstairs to put a load of laundry in (the laundry room is between B and Wyn's rooms) and I suspect neither one of them is sleeping. Wyn is sitting in the dark playing her DS. Stinking kid! I take the DS upstairs and tell her she can have it back in the morning. B is much quieter but he has hidden his book light under his pillow and is reading away at Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Stinking kid too but I also love reading!

B has been on this reading craze. Since December 15th he has read 4, four hundred or so page books and is working on his 5th. I can hardly believe it! He is 8 years old and breezes through a 400 page Harry Potter book in 3-4 days. If your kids love reading his class has also really liked the Mysterious Benedict Society book and the sequel. I haven't read them but they kept him hooked.

So the moral of the story is while reading is awesome bedtime is bedtime. Sorry kids!


  1. My kids will never get to school on time Monday morning because we have all been staying up super late...I should do better! Good job on the reading! I have an 11 year old that can't stop...she stays up half the night reading!

  2. I used to stay up with a flashlight reading too...and I still love to read. My almost-two-year-old now insists on having books in his bed...and he "reads" before he goes to sleep, and when he wakes up in the morning, too. Your son reading all those books is awesome, although I do understand bedtime is bedtime. :)

  3. I don't blame him...not one bit. Those books are addicting, I speak from experience!

  4. I also used to read by flashlight after going to bed. I agree bedtime is bedtime but it's awesome that he's so interested in reading.
    We started the move back to school night bedtime two nights ago, against much resistance.

  5. My husband, Homer, got our now 5-year old into the "looking at books 'till you fall asleep" thing as soon as she was out of her crib. There are nights I practically have to drag her bookcase out of her room to get her to sleep at night. No DS yet, but I'm sure those days will come soon.

  6. Stopping by from SITS - I'm was like your son, only I didn't have a flashlight. I used to leave my bedroom door a little open and would read by the light that came into my room from that. The Harry Potter books are addicting, so I totally understand that he can't put them down.

  7. you are right, bedtime is bedtime not time to wrestle with the inflatable spider man.
