
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Grocery Store Nicey

Since Catherine @ Evolving Mommy posted about a grocery store meany last week I thought I would share my grocery store nicey story.

Tuesday is my shopping day. I have found the Grocery Game works best for me and my schedule if I clip coupons Sunday, print the list and match coupons Monday, menu plan and finalize the list Tuesday. This is my perfect scenario so usually it all tries to get crammed between dropping off the big kids at school and FiFi at kindergarten as well as shopping in a 3 hour window. Sometimes I go with Baby Boy alone after we drop off FiFi but it depends upon the day.

With my mom going to the hospital yesterday my routine was thrown off and my stress level was through the roof. She was discharged this morning and is doing better. We are going to visit her this evening and make dinner for her so that should be nice.

I left the hospital around 7pm last night. The drive took me over an hour (annoying)! Of course our fridge was EMPTY and the great sales were ending at midnight last night. I was halfway done with meal planning/coupon matching and no matter how tired I was I had to go.

I made it to the store at 10pm, which to start is past my bedtime, and with the stress of yesterday I am still amazed that I was able to focus on the task at hand. I busted out my list and was determined to get this shopping done and get home quickly! Imagine my surprise when I see no checker and the stupid self-check lanes only open. I have been in the store less than 5 minutes and begin cursing under my breath about how I don't want to freaking check myself out. I make it to the meat department where I was stocking up on ground beef and pork roast. Besides having to side step the stockers, the meat prices already reflect tomorrow's price ie. not on sale. I stock up anyways and make sure I see what they ring up for. I make it through the store ok and I will have to say despite my exhausted stupor the store is quite peaceful without many other customers.

I begrudgingly head to the self-check already looking for the person in charge to let them know I am going to need help. I have rain checks to cash in and 5 rain checks to get today (since I was shopping at 10pm) plus I don't know if my meat will ring up right and I have a ton of produce. At this point I am so tired I can barely function and I am not amused with the prospect of having to touch screen and weigh every item of produce.

But who comes to my rescue...the grocery store nicey! The manager grabs my buggy and insists to check me out at a regular lane. I practically praise this man since I am exhausted and have all the rain checks, coupons, etc. The other checker who was working the U-Scan even came and bagged my groceries. The manager did not seem the least bit annoyed about all my rain checks and coupons and even told me I really know how to save money! I told him I try to save at least 50% and he promptly looked at my receipt and said 47%, pretty good since you save $100+ dollars.

Isn't it nice when something as simple as excellent customer service makes your day. I will say I shop King Soopers (Kroger) because it is convenient and with double coupons and sales I save a lot of money but really it is because of their high level of customer service and helpful attitudes that keep bringing me back. This is not the first time someone has went out of their way to help me there.

So boo for the grocery store meanies and bring on the grocery store nice-ies.

Don't forget to enter my giveaway!


  1. I'm glad your Mom is okay. Give her my love.

    Wahoo for the Nice-ys (hmmm how are we spelling that?). I love My Kings...except for Mean Grocery Store Lady.

  2. Ok. I am impressed by Grocery Store Nicey. But not as much as I am that you organize and plan your meals every week. That blows me away. As much as I'd love to be that mom, I don't think it's possible. I am lucky to know what I am making an hour before I start defrosting!!

  3. It is so refreshing to interact with some nice people for once. And man I am impressed with your money saving abilities. I wish I could do that.
