
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I Love Saving Money!

I love saving money! I always have. I always will.

Today at the Grocery store I got 3 free items.

I also got the two bottles of Suave mousse for 27 cents each and the Loreal Kids Shampoo for 91 cents.

In addition I got 7 items for 99 cents or $1.00.

At the end of the day I spent $67.71 for our family of five including stocking up on several things like laundry detergent and toiletry items. I saved 54% off my order and saved $77.69. I love it!

So what is my secret? I clip coupons and use The Grocery Game If you have never heard of it go check it out! How it works: advertised, and unadvertised specials are matched up with coupons to get out the best deal. Sales trends are also tracked so that you only buy items at the rock-bottom lowest price. When items are at their lowest price you stock up so you never pay full price again! All it takes is clipping coupons, a little time, and organization. It is really easy. Everything is on the list and color-coded. The first few weeks are the hardest because you are just beginning to compile your coupon stockpile and getting used to the grocery game format. The first few weeks it took me about 1 1/2 hours extra per week. I still saved 45% plus so it was well worth it. Now that I am used to it only takes me about half hour extra per week. Since I am so used to King Soopers, and the layout of the store it takes me less than 45 minutes to do my weekly shopping.

The Grocery Game has a 4 week trial for $1 so you have time to decide if you want to continue. If you want to join, click Join The Grocery Game, and enter your zip code. If you do sign up please enter my email in the who referred you section. You won't regret it! If you join and have any questions please feel free to email me. I happy to help everyone save some money!


  1. I've never really clipped coupons. If I see one I know I'll use within the next week, I will. I need to start doing this... especially with the deals you got today!

  2. That it so totally awesome! I really need to start using coupons. I am just so bad at clipping them and then remembering to take them with me.

  3. I did the Grocery Game a little over a year ago... I liked it, but found I was buying a lot of stuff I didn't need just because it was cheap. (Not GG's fault, but it was too much of a temptation for me.)

    I am glad it works for you though. Now I just google my deals... it does take more work though.
