
Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Sorry for being MIA today. With the Bloggy Giveaways Carnival going on I was hoping to get on, read some blogs, comment, and of course enter to win more free stuff.

Unfortunately I got a call this morning that they were taking my mom to the hospital via ambulance. I had to call hubby to come home, call Baby Boy's mom to tell her hubby was now in charge, etc. and drive the hour to be with her. Luckily she is going to be fine. They admitted her overnight, mainly for observation, and unless something changes she should be going home tomorrow.

So no real post today. I still have to go to the grocery store tonight (YUCK) but check out my giveaway for a Mary Kay MK Signature Lipstick and if you haven't entered to win, please do!

I hope tomorrow will be a calmer day!


  1. Glad your mom's ok. I am going to enter your contest, even though I sell Avon! Shhhh! :)
