
Monday, February 2, 2009

And the Award Goes to...

Me! J/K but I did receive some bloggy awards recently and wanted to acknowledge the award givers.

La Mom at La Mom - an American Mom in France gave me this wonderful award:

My 10 random facts are posted here. Thanks again to La Mom!

Everyday Mom over at Mom of One gave me this fabulous award:

Why thanks so much! I think your blog is fabulous too. I also love your fun giveaways.

This is a new award for me so here are the rules:

List 5 addictions you have and pass on this award to 5 other fabulous bloggers.

My addictions:

1) COFFEE! I have only been drinking coffee daily for over a year now but I am very addicted. I chalk it up to my early mornings and crazy stressful previous job at the law firm. At least I brew it at home to save money.

2) Being outside! I crave the outdoors, fresh air, and anytime it is above 50 in the winter we take walks and head to the park.

3) I also love reality TV. The Hills, now The City, and Jon and Kate Plus 8 are my recent favorites.

4) My Mary Kay Timewise skin care! This past weekend I saw one of the National Sales Directors (the top of the top money makers/leaders in Mary Kay) speak in a small group setting. Not only had she earned over 4 million dollars in just commission from Mary Kay she was 61 years old and looked AMAZING! I wouldn't have guessed her a minute over 40. She has been using Mary Kay since 23 and if that doesn't convince me nothing else will. I have been using it since 24 and I only hope I can look as good as her at 61.

5) My cell phone! Aren't we all but I text my husband and BFF all day and use it to multi-task. It is hard to imagine that a mere 10 years ago I didn't even have a cell phone as well as most people I know. How quickly culture changes in America. What is the latest and greatest now will be old news 5 years from now.

And the award goes to:

The Incoherent Ramblings of a Stay at Home Mom

4 Kids, No Dog, and Living the American Dream!

Running From the Little People I have been reading Heather's blog for a little bit now and I love it! She seems like someone I could be friends with in "real" life.

24 Hours is Never Enough

Home of the Lazy Dog Ali I can't remember if I have already given you an award but I think your blog is fabulous!

Thanks again for these wonderful awards!


  1. Aww, thank you so much! We WOULD be friends!! I'm so addicted to coffee, too!

  2. thanks! i love MK time wise and need some more stuff.

  3. Woo Hoo! I love getting awards! Thank you so much for passing it along to me and congrats to you too--you deserve it!

    I'm a new coffee drinker too and can only drink 1/2 cup at a time but I'm working my way up!
