
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Oh, How I Love the Gym!

When I left my full-time job in August we had to make some budget cuts. I still work 3 jobs of a total of 60-70 hours per week but I make a little more than 1/3 of what I did before. Before more than 1/3 of my income went to daycare and the rest was deductions so I almost break even but we still had to cut back. The gym was one of the first things to go since at that time we were going less than once a week. I wish my husband was much more motivated because it keeps me going.

We had put our gym membership on hold. The hold period was expiring but I was hoping we would know where Max's job would be. Tuesday night I decided who cares if we can afford it or if we may be moving in the next few weeks, I need the gym.

We went last night and did about 30 minutes of weight training and 20 minutes of cardio. I felt so much better than I had been feeling. It was a great stress reliever, I feel like I had more energy, and I slept better. As an added bonus my kids love the kids club and I only pay $15 per month membership for all 3 of my kids to go an unlimited number of times. I am officially in love with the gym!

My goal is to make it there 5 times a week, if only for my sanity!


  1. I got back on the treadmill this week after letting exercise lapse during the holidays--it does feel great! I hope I can keep it up!

  2. We have had a break from working out the last couple of weeks because of "The Man Cold" and such...I hope we get back into it soon.

  3. I LOVE the gym too. It's amazing what it does for your sanity, right?

  4. I've been htiting the gym 3-4 days per week for nearly 2 decades. I don't always find it fun but I do like the way it makes me look and feel.

  5. I hope that you can make your goal. I have never learned the love of the gym.

  6. Way to go! I love the gym, too. It's the best place to drop the kids off and just ZONE for an hour.

  7. It's crazy how for me the gym has become an escape.. I actually look forward to the nights I can sneak away when the girls are in bed and spend a little QT on the treadmill.

  8. I just found your blog through 4 little men and I am in complete agreement with you! I just started back to the gym today, and I feel so much better. My legs are a little achy, but my mind was clear and I felt more able to focus on things and be here more for my daughter!
