
Monday, April 6, 2009

How Well Does My Husband Know Me?

I saw this on Ali's blog and of course had to quiz husband on the spot.

How well does my husband know me?

What is my favorite...

Song-hubby said "Don't Trust Me" by 3OH3! I like that song but I would say anything by the Fray.

Food-hubby said "Anything you don't have to cook." I will have to second that :-)

Time of day-hubby said "Not morning." I have to second that too :-)

Drink-Water. Boring I know but I like it.

Store-hubby said "Costco" but it is Target.

City-hubby said "Aurora." I would have to say San Diego. I am a California girl at heart.

Candy-Butterfinger. Hubby was right. I like most candy though. It is my weakness.

Flower-Pink Roses. FiFi blurted this out first but I would hope that hubby would have got it.

Holiday-Christmas even though my husband hates the commercialism surrounding Christmas I still love Christmas best of all.

Restaurant-The Melting Pot. Yum!

7 out of 10. 70% hubby that seems unsatisfactory.


  1. Funny how our husbands now exactly what kind of candy we like! I guess I've eaten way to many Snickers bars around mine, he can't help but notice!

  2. he didn't do too bad...even with that one gimme answer....they know the important stuff I guess...candy and flowers...
