
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

No Egg Roll but Lots of Fun

Easter 2009 at our house was a big success! As hard as I tried to get White House Easter Egg Roll tickets I was not successful. We still had a great Easter. The Easter bunny went overboard with the gifts but he always does. The kids were super excited and got useful things such as clothes in their Easter baskets, how clever!

We started the morning out with the traditional candy filled indoor egg hunt. B and Wyn seemed to think the eggs were hid too easily. I will have to pass that note along to the Easter Bunny. After running around like crazy kids for 10 minutes they had found all the eggs and surprising enough had a very equal share 25-24-23. Daddy evened that up quickly by stealing one from FiFi who had 25.

We rushed around to get ready for church. We were planning to go the big Presbyterian church down the road at 10:30am. We aren't Presbyterian but figured it wouldn't hurt to try since I last worked at a Presbyterian church. Of course we were going to be late so we had to search the internet for an 11:00am service near our house. The United Methodist church had an 11:00am service and we even saw a few people we knew. The service was slightly more traditional than our liking but they offer a contemporary family service at 8:30am Sundays so we are planning to try that next week. Since I couldn't get all 5 of us out of the house by 10:30am this Sunday I should have great luck getting everyone out of the house by 8:30am next Sunday. Oh well, wish me luck.

We finished off the day with a delicious meal of spiral ham, sweet potatoes topped with marshmallows, green beans and rolls. The local grocery store was running a special and the whole meal with leftovers was under $12! Score!

We had a nice, relaxing and enjoyable holiday. I hope your family did as well.

How did I end up with such cute looking kids?

Before their showers :-)

Pretty girl!

Very fashionable with her new shirt and headband.

Close up of B while we were dying eggs.

1 comment:

  1. It is funny you said it but I was thinking it would be interesting to see you get the whole family out the door and to the church by 8:30...I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! I am glad your Easter was good! Love ya!
