
Monday, April 13, 2009

Win a Free Laptop and Blog Design! I am in!

Mom Bloggers Club and Mom Logic Community have teamed up to find the best of the best mom bloggers. They are giving away a laptop and a blog design to the best of the best.

Free laptop + blog design = I am in!

I know there are a lot of great mommy bloggers and I don't want to pretend I am the best of the best but I could really use a laptop. It just happens this week my hubby is stealing our laptop for business and you all can tell my blog could use someone with some fabulous HTML skills to give it a makeover. Learning HTML is on my list of things I want to do but somehow I think it will be awhile until I get around to figuring it out.

So loyal readers and friends. Check out my profile on Mom Logic Community and write your nomination on my wall. I need 10 nominations to be entered to win and you can only nominate one mommy blogger.

Thanks! You ladies are great!

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