Glad MckMama is back at home and participating in Not Me! Monday so in honor of this here is what I did not do this week...
I did NOT spend hours on the computer when I had loads of stuff to do (you know dishes, laundry, the regular stuff).
I did NOT score an awesome couch and loveseat from Craigslist for $100.
I did NOT move the furniture around in my living room 5 times trying to figure out the best layout. That would've been a huge pain!
I did NOT curse the rain today when loading my trunk full of groceries in the pouring rain while trying to hold an umbrella (us Colorado girls are not used to rain. Rain is something you run through real quick, not something you need an umbrella for day after day).
I did NOT walk 4 miles in said rain yesterday. That would be crazy unless of course it was for the March for Babies then that would completely not be crazy.
I did NOT almost cry when I thought how proud I was of B for out fundraising me and sticking with it to the end of our very wet 4 mile walk.
I did NOT feast on Cheesecake Factory cheesecake at B's birthday dinner and not even think about how many delicious calories I was consuming.
I did NOT think the public reaction to the swine flu was ridiculous. I am completely sensitive to pain-stricken people and the fear-mongering of the media.
Me too! I also am not making fun of the news media and the Swine Scare!
This swine scare is rediculous.
awesome find on craigslist & fabulous fundraising!
this swine flu stuff is something else.
Amen on the Swine Flu. I started to panic, then got smart and did a teensy bit of online research...now I think it's just plain silly. It's the flu, people.
Some Fabulous Not me's...except for the loading of the groceries in the rain....and Cheesecake factory....oh soooo jealous....
Good news--cheesecake has ZERO calories! At least that's what I tell myself everytime I have a slice...or three!
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