
Monday, May 11, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Check out MckMama for other Not Me! Monday posts.
1. I am NOT sitting here in the same pajamas I was wearing all day yesterday. That would be ridiculous. It does not matter that yesterday was Mother's Day and I have sick kids.
2. I was NOT disappointed that Wyn was sick yesterday so we had to skip the beach. Of course not since the beach will be here all summer.
3. I am NOT missing my family and friends in Colorado and California right now and really wishing I could hop on a plane and give some of those special people a big hug. Stupid budgets, and finances and responsibilities!
4. I am NOT happy that my house is spotless and we are beginning to win the war on the ants. I LOVE when clutter takes over my house!
5. I am NOT getting frustrated with my job hunt. Of course NOT! We are in the middle of a huge recession. I did NOT expect this to be difficult.
6. I am NOT in a mission to apply for 10 jobs today. That would be a BIG goal.


  1. Good luck with the job front~ I imagine that is hugely frustrating. 10? That is a big number!

  2. Ha! I'm not sitting in my pajamas either ;D

  3. Best wishes w/ your job search. I'm actually in Colorado right now (Parker, southeast of Denver). Where do your friends/family live?

  4. Nope! Not me sitting here with sick kids in my pjs ... Just not happen'n ... or maybe it is

  5. So I am not saying a little prayer that a job comes along for you!

  6. Good luck on the job hunt! Fingers are crossed!!

  7. I got sick kids too. Sick sucks!

  8. and I did not click on several random blogs just so I could read some more Not Me's and say thanks for sharing!

    Have a great day!

  9. oh, I despise ants too! I don't know why but they piss me off way more than other bugs.
