
Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer, Summer, Summer Time...

Time to sit back and unwind!

It feels like summer here in Maryland. Beautiful weather, the kids have less than two weeks left of school, and we've already taken our first trip to the beach!

I know summer doesn't officially start for a few more weeks but I am look forward to spending time with the kids, enjoying the sun, swimming, camping, traveling, and generally having fun.

Here are some pictures from our first trip to Ocean City this year. Since we used to live in a land-locked state it has been 2 1/2 years since my kids have been to the beach. They had a blast! I can't wait to go back!

The hubby, happy in the shade

It was a windy day at the beach


Look at the sky (and cute kids)!


B carrying water for their sand creations

Wyn showing of her goofiness

Sand sculptures at Ocean City. Amazing!
So what adventures do you have planned for the summer?


  1. I love your title. Now I have the song stuck in my head. We must be sharing a brain cell today because we both posted about summer.

  2. Beautiful pictures! I can't wait to hit the beach in August!

  3. oh got beach time in...good for you...I hope we can go in the next couple of weeks...Looks like it was a fabulous time...

  4. what a fun trip! would you believe my children, even my oldest, have never been to the beach?

  5. I need to take my kids to the beach someday--AND myself! I've seen the Gulf of Mexico plenty of times but never the ocean:(

  6. Looks like a fabulous time for all. I can't wait to get to the beach this year, hopefully in July/August. Other than that I have a trip to Wisconsin planned, one to Pennsylvania, and a family reunion (weeklong) that should be fun. Other than that, nannying! ;)
