
Monday, August 31, 2009

Dear C. Elementary School

Dear C. Elementary School, Staff, Students, and Parents:

I have entrusted some of my most precious belongings to you for 6.5 hours, 5 days per week. Please handle with care.

The oldest B is smart and sweet and has a kind heart but gets easily distracted and doesn't like to work hard unless it is something he is interested in so you will have to keep an eye on him. Long novels, science experiments, computers, technology, and complicated math are all his thing just don't ask him to write a story and he should excel. He is also very good at watching out for his littlest sister.

Wyn is the middle child. She loves Hannah Montana, High School Musical, and iCarly, you know all the "cool" stuff. She can write a story like no other and read like a champ. She also seems gifted in acting, music, and art but only time will tell. She thinks she isn't good at math (which she is good at) so don't let her trick you. Keep encouraging her and she will excel. She also is a soccer and gymnastics star so watch out!

FiFi is the baby of the family and plays up that role at home. She is shy and sensitive but makes friends easily. She won't stick up for herself but good thing she is so cute, that helps keep bullies at bay. Since she has a brother and a sister less than 3 years older than her she is used to being taken care of. Don't let her trick you into thinking she can't do it for herself. She reads like a champ and does math like a champ just keep pushing her to work harder and she will excel. Don't let her small stature and pixie voice fool you she can kick some butt out on the soccer field too!

Thanks C. Elementary. I know you will keep my kids safe, happy, and healthy and I know they will learn a lot this year. If you see me in the halls I am probably the one without makeup, with wet hair but don't worry I shower (most days at least) and brush my teeth. I look forward to working with you this year.

Best Regards,
Mom to B, Wyn, and FiFi

August 31, 2009 FiFi, Wyn, and B

My big 1st grader

My cute 3rd grader

My grown up 4th grader


  1. First of all he's a fourth grader!?! Where has the time gone?!!! And secondly these three are a bunch of talented and smart kids I just know this year is going be great for them!

  2. This makes me all weepy and sentimental and I don't even have children!

  3. Look at how cute they are on the first day! Good job, Mom!

  4. Cute! Teachers do their best to care for those kids!!

  5. Something for you on my blog today!

  6. Just stopping by from SITS to say hi! Great blog! Your babies are so cute!
    Happy Tuesday! Come by and check out my "5 DAYS OF GIVE-A-WAYS" AT

  7. What adorable back-to-school photos. I hope they have a great year.

  8. I hope that they have a fabulous school year.
