
Friday, September 11, 2009

Broadway Tickets Giveaway at Babies Gotta Have It

I don't usually post about other blogger's giveaways on my blog but I am very excited about this giveaway.

Babies Gotta Have It is hosting a giveaway for two tickets to the Broadway musical Rock of Ages on Sunday, September 27th.

Want to know the best part? After entering the contest a few days ago I got a call from my dad saying he is coming to visit from North Carolina that weekend and hubby and I should use that time to have a weekend away. So we will be in NYC the weekend of the musical. It must be meant to be! With the price of hotels in NYC hubby and I could sure use some free Broadway tickets instead of buying them. Did I mention I am excited?

So go check out Babies Gotta Have It and if you are going to be in NYC enter to win but don't enter to win too many times since that will decrease my odds of winning :-)