Friday, October 16, 2009

Prayers Needed!

My mother in law is very ill. She has had MS for many years but her health has been going downhill at a rapid pace the past year or so. She is hospitalized now with what they think is the flu but she was not that well before. She is going to be transferred either to hospice or a nursing home as a terminal patient when she leaves the hospital. She may only have months left but most likely weeks or days.

Hubby decided Tuesday he needed to fly to Colorado to be with her this weekend, a decision I encouraged. Wednesday she was unresponsive, further reaffirming his decision to go as soon as possible. Thank Goodness yesterday she was sounding better on the phone and was able to talk to hubby on the phone as long as someone held the phone for her (she is completely bedridden and cannot move at all).

-Please pray for his mom. Pray for peace and comfort at this difficult time for her. Please pray she is not in pain and if it is God's will, pray she will be healed.
-Pray for my hubby. I cannot imagine losing my mom at this point in my life. Pray for peace for him, pray that he can be a comfort and support to his mom.
-Pray for his family. They have some difficult decisions ahead. Please pray for wisdom for his family as they decide what is best for his mom in connection with her wishes.

Thanks everyone! My kids are already driving me crazy this morning (no school day) and we have a long weekend inside ahead. B and FiFi had pneumonia last week and still have bad coughs so we are skipping soccer, basketball, church, etc. plus the weather is supposed to be rainy and cold. Hopefully I can get some stuff done around my house, like finish painting my bedroom which I should have done a month ago.


Lyryn said...

Praying, praying, praying!

Leah said...

I've been a lurker at your blog for a while, and just wanted to let you know that I am praying for your MIL.

Brittany Ann said...

Praying for your MIL. Keep us posted!

Moore Minutes said...

These "seasons" are extremely difficult. I have prayed for the specific things you mentioned. <3

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

I will definitely keep you all in my prayers! Please keep us posted.

Denise @ Life on Stepping Stone Lane said...

Praying for your MIL and visiting from SITS.

Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

Our thoughts are with you guys!

Helene said...

I'm so sorry...I can only imagine what a difficult time this is for all of you. I'll keep her in my prayers.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

praying for you!