
Sunday, December 27, 2009

1700 Miles From Home

This was our first Christmas since moving to Maryland. We spent a quiet day at home as a family of five. We missed everyone back home dearly but the simplicity of it all was wonderful!

Ever since we moved to Baltimore this sign has cracked me up! It is near the beginning of Interstate 70 here in Baltimore. We live 2 miles south of I-70 here in Baltimore. In Colorado we lived 5 miles south of Interstate 70. I tell the kids we moved 1700 miles directly East. The sign cracks me up because how many people getting onto I-70 in Baltimore are really headed to Denver?

We started out our Christmas festivities a few days early with one of my favorite traditions, baking cookies. Here are the kids hard at work making sugar cookies.

Halfway done with baking

Then comes decorating

Here is a sampling of the finished products. My two older kids really showed me up in the creativity department this year. Their cookies looked better than mine.

Our next Christmas adventure was visiting Santa. This year I made the huge mistake of waiting until Christmas Eve. I paid by waiting in line for 2 1/2 hours. I talked hubby into leaving work early to come relieve us from the line for awhile. Seeing Phoenix's face after seeing Santa made it all worth it!
Still waiting!
The mall had a really neat Christmas tree made out of poinsettias.
Then we headed off to church. The Christmas Eve service at our church was really nice and reminded me of the church I grew up in.

Then it was on to the big event! Christmas morning! The girls got American Girl dolls. Here is FiFi with Kit.

Wyn got a "Just Like Me" doll. She even had the matching shirt already.
B got lazer tag and a Wii game. Not sure how I didn't end up with any great pictures of him opening his presents. Santa also brought hubby and me smart phones. I love my MyTouch 3G phone. I don't know why we waited so long to join the 21st century. I also got a great present from hubby but you'll have to wait until my next post to find out about that :-)
I hope your family had a wonderful Christmas!


  1. Sounds simply wonderful and lots of fun. I loved the finished sugar cookies. They looked yummy!

  2. Your kids are ADORABLE! And it makes my heart literally so happy when I see girls with AG dolls because they had an amazing impact on my life as a little girl! I never was able to respond to your comment on AG dolls the other day...

    I have vivid memories looking at the catalog when I was little too! It was owned by Pleasant Company and there were only 3 dolls. I started my collection when I was 9 years old. I got one doll for Christmas every year plus extras. I have 10 dolls now and 2 chests full of their clothes, furniture, and accessories. I used to iron my dolls' outfits, lol! I LOVED LOVED them!!! I have many memories. I kept everything for my future kids but then I had 3 boys! HAHA

    I hope your girls TREASURE their dolls. I still hold mine close to my heart. I especially appreciate how much they taught me about history.

  3. PS All that AG rambling and I forgot I wanted to mention how FUN and FESTIVE your cookie baking looked! :)

  4. Great photos!
    And I dearly love that road sign!

  5. It sounds heavenly. You'll forgive me for being a little jealous, right?

  6. Do your girls enjoy the American Girl books too? My daughters are only 2 and 3, but I am hoping they will want to read the A.G. books someday.

    Your cookies look like they turned out well! The photos of your family are very sweet too.

  7. you would be surprised to know that 1000s of trucks and many people drive it. But it is very cool to start at the very beginning and drive to it's end, in Utah, and then have a choice to go north or south on I-15.
