
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Dear Old Man Winter

Dear Old Man Winter,

I have a bone to pick with you. While I have thoroughly enjoyed being holed up in the house with my family and having a pajama day, you have really thrown a wrench in my friend and her children's travel plans.

You see, we were going to the Air and Space Museum annex tomorrow, and Monday we have reservations to tour the United States Capitol building. The problem is she is still in North Carolina because it has been snowing all day. Hard to drive 400 miles in the middle of a blizzard. By 2pm we had 13 inches and it hasn't stopped since. You know I still haven't forgiven you for Christmas 2006 when you trapped me in an RTD bus for nearly 7 hours and then holed me up in a hotel with a complete stranger for two days. You really are pushing your luck with this latest stunt!

I suppose it could be worse. Everyone is safe and I even made it Target before the snow started last night for the requisite Baltimore snow storm essentials: milk, bread, and toilet paper. Really who has to stock up on toilet paper before a storm? In Colorado when a winter storm warning is issued no one bats an eye. Half the time the forecasted snow never amounts to anything.

But you better watch out Old Man Winter, you are on my list. I will give you another chance but you better not continue on like this all season. If so, living somewhere warm and sunny like San Diego is going to seem more and more appealing by the end of this winter.

For now we will stay home, play in the snow, drink hot chocolate, watch movies, play board games, and of course blog. Thank the Lord the power hasn't gone out! As for my friend she is hoping for better weather and clear interstate highways tomorrow. Only time will tell!

Please keep your disruptions to a minimum, Old Man Winter. Especially in places like Baltimore that aren't used to the snow. Maybe you could just send the snow where people want it, like the ski resorts? That would really help me out.

Wyn after snow "swimming"

Our back deck


  1. My brother was supposed to fly in from Annapolis today and couldn't! He was snowed in! Crazy the weather you all are having!

  2. I am so jealous of your snow, I have none here:(

  3. We just got a dusting here. Logan said, "I wish I could pway in dat snow." Lucky you. Here's hoping your friend gets in tomorrow!

  4. Wow! Look at that snow. Down here in Alabama we have no clue what snow is! I hope Old Man Winter lets up soon for you!

  5. Uggh yes we got 23 inches here in PA. It was fun at first but then it just kept snowing and snowing...anyway, just wanted to stop by and say hi! This was my first time on your blog. I decided to follow :) Stop by and see me soon. btw...we love the air and space!!! It is our favorite in DC

  6. I know the snow is a pain, but I'm so jealous! It never gets below 40 here in Texas :)

  7. WOW! Look at all that snow! We didn't get any down here and usually never have snow. I am thankful that all of my family lives far enough south where they all made it here like planned.

  8. Wow, winter really hit you hard. Here's hoping it clears up a little bit.

  9. I am jealous of your snow too!

    Sorry that it's thrown a wrench into family travel plans, though!
