
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Me and My Crazy Family

In about 11 days I am headed to my first blogging conference. I am so excited! I can't wait to meet some great ladies. To make it even better, Catherine, Evolving Mommy, is flying out from Colorado to visit and attend Bloggy Boot Camp here in Baltimore (we've been IRL BFF's for 20 years now). Thanks again to the SITS Girls for putting boot camp together.

I was looking back for an "about me" post and the last one I did was when I started this blog back in December 2008. Needless to say, a lot has changed since December 2008. Here is a little update on me and my crazy family. If you read my blog often you may know most of this, maybe not.

I'm Michelle, a 28 year old mother of three, wife, nanny, friend, sister, daughter. We currently live in Baltimore, Maryland and moved here from Colorado in 2009 for my hubby's job. Moving across the country, away from all my family and friends, has been quite the adjustment for me. I think I have learned a lot and grown a lot this year but still have a lot more learning and growing to do. In my past life I was a babysitter, child care worker, paralegal, lobbyist, and banker. I interviewed for corporate jobs when we moved out here but ended up turning down a job in banking to nanny for infant twin girls near my home. I couldn't be happier with my decision. I spend my days playing with babies and get to follow my kids school schedule. I leave for work at 6:15am which often leaves me feeling sleep deprived but this is as close to a perfect job as I can imagine for my life right now. I'm outgoing, a talker, love being around people, throwing parties, and doing "social things". I really enjoy scrapbooking but don't get to do it enough. I am just learning to sew and really like it so far. I read like crazy and loving being outdoors. Hubby and I both really like traveling, especially without the kids :-)

Me on the Brooklyn Bridge NYC

My hubby is great! He is loving, and handsome, and smart, but I may be biased. He is an engineer and works for a local company in the power plant industry. He served in the U.S. Navy for 6 years before we met. He recently got accepted into the Johns Hopkins master's degree program in applied biomedical engineering. He is my complete opposite but we we balance each other perfectly. There is no one I would rather share this crazy journey called life with.

Hubby in Vegas

My oldest child is B who is 9 years old and in 4th grade. He loves science, and math, and is an avid reader. He reads through 2-3 huge books a week. He plays basketball and is a Webelos 1 in Cub Scouts. He is really into video games, which I don't understand but I know is normal for boys his age. He loves to talk and has lots to say. His personality is very much like mine, God help him!

B August 2009

Wyn is my middle child. Wyn is also 9 years old but in the 3rd grade. Wyn is a goofball and likes being the class clown. She excels at most things she does. She is good at both art and music and I haven't come across a sport she tried that she didn't pick up right away. She is really into soccer. She is bummed here in Maryland they only play 1 season of soccer a year instead of 2 seasons per year like Colorado. She had also been asked to join pre-team gymnastics in Colorado so I really need to get her involved in that out here. She does great at school and is in GT reading and math, just like B.

Wyn November 2009

FiFi is the baby of our family and plays up that role as much as she can. FiFi is 7 years old and in the 1st grade. She is also a smarty pants, reading, writing, and doing math like crazy. She has been playing soccer since she was 4 and she has been lucky to always have daddy as her coach. This year she started dance for the first time and absolutely loves it. She has quite the sarcastic wit and gets jokes even the older two kids don't. Her personality is very similar to hubby's, quiet and reserved with people she does not know.

FiFi August 2009

Hubby and I meet 4 years ago when our kids were 5, 5, and 3. We were both married before. B is my biological child and Wyn and FiFi are hubby's biological kids. We were married on May 24, 2008. Blending a stepfamily is not easy work but I'd like to think we are doing it well. We started going to a stepfamily class at church last summer and have learned so much. The class follows a book and video series and we have small group discussions, I love it! Great marriages take work and great marriages with stepfamilies are no exception!

All three kids Christmas 2009

That's me and my crazy family. Leave a comment and I will stop by and check out your blog too. Hope this gives some of my fellow Baltimore Bloggy Boot Camp and Momz Share attendees a little better feel for who I am.


  1. I'm so excited for you to meet your first blog buddies IRL!

  2. Ok, so why didn't I know about this blog conference in Baltimore?!? I live in Baltimore so now I feel left out lol. I hope it's fun though! Make sure you tell us all about it.

  3. I am jealous of your blog conference! I'd love to go to one.

  4. Then you will have more things to blog about after the conference.

    More power as you courageously face your blending family challenges.

  5. Thanks for linking to the Bloggy Boot Camp page... this is great! How fun that you'll have a buddy joining you at the conference. That would be such a blast!

    See you in ten days!

  6. Awww, I love you guys and I can't wait for next Friday!

    Go and link this up with my get to know me post! Love you!

  7. I lived in CO too- Castle Rock to be exact... and guess what? That's where I met Heather, the half of SITS!

    I also have a 9 year old son.

    I loved that you shared your children- they are all so different, yet talented in so many ways- I hope you've had them read what you wrote about each of them- so special.

    See you in Baltimore!

  8. i hope you have a wonderful time in Baltimore! Nice to spend some time getting to know you through your blog. Have a great time!

  9. I just found you through Evolving Mommy. I am attending Blogging Bootcamp too and I am super excited especially since its my first. I am now following you. Cute blog!

  10. Excited to meet you! I'm going to compose my "5 things" at some point today and post. Look forward to meeting you next weekend! Sooo excited!

  11. You have a beautiful family! I enjoyed reading your post and getting to know more about you. I'm so excited to meet you a bootcamp!

  12. Nice to meet you and your family. Congrats on your SITS day!

  13. Your family is so much like mine! My husband and I have 3 children together. We were married in August 2009. I have an 8 year old daughter and he has an 8 year old son and 5 year old daughter. Now, we are one big happy family. Being a step-mom has been wonderful, but challenging at times. It feels weird raising 2 children all the time and they don't call me mom (well, the 5 year old does sometimes). I have a food blog now, but I'm starting up another blog about my family. I'm going to follow you! Oh, and congrats on your SITS day!!

  14. You have a lovely family! That last photo in front of the tree is great!

  15. Your family is beautiful! Looks like you`re a busy lady!

  16. That was fun getting to know you. :)

  17. This was a great getting to know you piece. Your children are beautiful, and I applaud you for your work on blending it all together, while not easy, so worthwhile!
    I hope you enjoy your day in the spotlight.

  18. You have a lovely family. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your busy life. (Also, thanks for sharing all that you learned from Bloggy Boot Camp. I'd love to go to the one in Phoenix, since my parents are in Arizona, but I don't think I'll be able to do that)

    Happy SITS Feature Day!

  19. what a beautiful family! I love your descriptions of everyone. You seem to have a busy, full, loving life with everyone! <3

  20. What a nice family you have. I was wondering if the 9-year-olds were twins. Thanks for clearing that up!

  21. What a lovely family you have !
    Happy SITS day

  22. What a darling, precious family. You have been so very blessed.

    Just an FYI - I said that my first husband and I thankfully didn't have children because he was a HORRID man and I would not want to have any contact with him now through a child. I hope I didn't offend you!

  23. So I totally thought you had twins since in your post for SITS said you had two 9 year olds! Haha! I have a friend that is remarried and now has her daughter and stepson, who are the same age so probably mistaken for twins all the time when people find out how old they are!
