
Thursday, February 11, 2010

People Told Me It Didn't Really Snow In Balitmore...

They lied! We've had three storms and 50" of snow in a little over a week. We also had 20" of snow December 19-20.

I believed the people who told me it didn't snow much. We moved here March 14, 2009 and lived here in Baltimore snow free for 8 1/2 months. Sure it was much more humid than Colorado but we never had to water our grass and had tomatoes growing in our garden at the end of November. These things would never happen in Colorado.

Then winter 2009-2010 began in December and it hasn't let up since. To say I am over the snow is an understatement. I am just hoping and praying the chance for snow will pass in the next month and we can slide smoothly into spring.

After being snowed in with three kids since Friday afternoon you can be assured I will be praying spring will make an early appearance.

This week we:

Played in the snow

and played in the snow some more.

We stayed in our jammies all day...

and ate lots of snacks.

Daddy worked from home some. His makeshift office consisted of two TV trays in our master bedroom. The only place he could work somewhat away from the kids.

and when daddy worked from home we baked him homemade oatmeal cookies.

Mommy might be over all this snow and being stuck inside for so long but the kids seem to being have a great time! Once their summer break gets cut short a week maybe they won't be as excited.


  1. We had two snow days this week and I was cursing the loss of my summer break!!

  2. My brother - a native Floridian - lives in Annapolis (has for four years) and is positively freaking out at the craziness that your state is getting hit with!

  3. It's snowing again, here in NC. We went many years without any snow. Even the ski resorts had to close because it was too warm to use snow making machines.

    This year is making up for all of that!

  4. I've lived here my entire life (23) years and we NEVER EVER get snow like this!! I promise you. Our laast big snow storm was in 2003. We maybe get 18 inches PER season!! It's an easy winter here usually.

  5. I can't take much more of the snow- we are just outside of Philadelphia. My whole family has cabin fever already and there are only so many arts and crafts projects you can do before going insane! I hope we have both seen the last of the snow for this year year (fingers crossed)

  6. I am sooo ready for spring too. We've had a lot of snow and today we already have 6/7 more inches. CRAZY.

  7. Your tired of snow and here I am wishing we could have a few snow days around here.
