
Monday, March 1, 2010

The Birth Of A Runner

I know this may shock some of you who know me personally but I have really gotten into running these past few months. Before I could walk for miles upon end, no problem, but I hated running with a passion. Absolutely hated it!

Then a funny thing happened, I started running, starting pushing myself, and I really like it. I like how I feel while I am doing it. I like how I feel afterwards. I like meeting my goals, no matter how small they may be.

This weekend I made a big step in becoming a true runner. I bought my first pair of real running shoes. By real, I mean expensive, bought from a running store after a detailed fit and analysis of my feet, my stride, etc. And even a day later my feet are so happy. My old Nikes just weren't cutting it. Honestly, once I moved my intensity level up from walking to running they were killing my feet. This was my first hurdle to becoming a true runner.

The day before I bought my new running shoes I told hubby I was going to run a marathon. He laughed and me and said I won't do it. Now before you all think he is a big meanie, he is not, he just knows me. He knows how much I hate running and he knows how unathletic I am but I think he forget how determined I can be. He just strengthened my resolve to meet my goal.

Obviously there is no way I am going to go from hating running, to running 3/4 mile, to running a marathon overnight, but I have some intermediate goals in place. Baby steps, right?

The running store has a 5K training program that includes weekly coaching sessions culminating in running a 5K in July. Right now I can probably run about 1 1/2 miles total, with walking breaks in between. The longest I have run without walking is 3/4 mile. All this has been inside on a treadmill and I know running outside is a completely different ball game.

If this goes well, I can then train for a 10k in the fall and go from there. I am little concerned the training program might be easier than I am looking for since they said they run 1 minute, walk 1 minute. At least easy is a good way to guarantee I will complete the program and run my 5K. Plus the $125 race/training fee and scheduled training sessions will keep me on target.

I am very excited to start this chapter of my life and to really see what I can accomplish.

Michelle, the marathon runner, I really like the ring to that.


  1. Congrats! That is simply awesome. After I have the baby, I want to train for a triathlon or a half marathon. I don't think I could run even 1/2 mile yet, but I'll just turn into the little engine that could, just like you! :)

  2. How exciting. I've never liked running but have always thought I should really give it a try. Your shoes sound fab too.

  3. yay, yay, yay!!!! I am SO excited for you> think of this- my husband laughed when i told him i was running a half marathon, then a full. I've run 3 halves and 2 fulls. You WILL do it and rock! Email me anytime to talk running!

  4. I'm not all that surprised because I hated running too, until I started actually pushing myself and now after a rough day there is nothing that makes it all go away like a good session in my running shoes.

    I was thinking I would like to so a 5k, 10k, 1/2 marathon and then see if a marathon sounds good from there. We should run a race together.

    BTW, I am totally jealous of your shoes. I keep thinking I should go get running shoes that are perfect for my feet but I am still in the I'm too cheap to do it quite yet phase. ;)

  5. Today, I started the couch to 5K program and I felt SO good while doing it. It makes me when to become a runner but right now I know I am getting WAY ahead of myself. That's so great you love it and want to do a marathon! Good luck to you :-)

  6. AWESOME!!! You can do it. I don't know you as a non-runner. Because I really don't know you at all. But when you set your mind to it, you can do it. Your body will respond.

    I will be happily following along your journey.


  7. You can totally do it! I can see miles of runs in your future!

  8. Good for you! I can't run anymore because of four herniated discs, but I enjoyed it when I did it. Not at first, though, because I would get bored. Then I got an mp3 player. :-) I nNever did a marathon, though...just short personal runs.

    Now that I'm cleared for exercising again I'm going for biking--my new thing for this year.

  9. WOW! Good for you! I wish i could get motivated to walk, let alone run. How awesome! I hope you truly do make it to that marathon :)

  10. WOW! I have no drive to run. EVER. LOL :)

  11. You can absolutely do it! I have a handful of friends who have run marathons, and not a one of them is a "lifelong runner". They each just picked it up seemingly at random and advanced at their own pace until - WOW - marathon runner!

  12. You can do it! I've been running since 1998, but have NEVER done a marathon. I want to do one SO badly in the next months... after I get my ass back on the pavement. Took a little sabbatical during the COLDNESS! Will get back on track after Bloggy Boot Camp!

  13. I hope that you reach your goals - and it will be easier with your fancy new running shoes :D

  14. Sorry I didn't get to meet you at BCC this weekend! I live in AACounty!

    I was a non-runner----years ago----five kids ago..and then decided to sign up for Disney Marathon with Leukemia Team In Training. I used a book called the "Non Runners Marathon Training Guide". Very insirational with true stories of people that just picked up and started running littles bits at a time.

    I have done one marathon and 4 half marathons. A few 5k's. I am desperately out of shape since having my triplets and then surprise baby 21 months ago!!! But I really miss it. I figure when the triplets go to school next year I can start looking for the self that I lost a while back.

    I just wanted to encourage and say that a lot of very professional trainers recommend the walk/run method for marathons. I have another book by Jeff Galloway who is a big name in marathon running and he swears by it.

    Good luck. Stick with it. You will love it more and more :)

  15. Well done - and good luck!

    I don't 'run' as such but I do play tag with my students (kindergartners) most lunchtimes - when I started it was good feeling I could run a little faster and further every day, and I think I did a victory dance the day I finally tagged Haruto-kun (who despite only being 5 can not only run really fast but can turn on a penny too lol)

    Abigails at

  16. Thats awesome! Congrats! I need to have goals like that....but I hate running. Hmmmm....maybe I should just do it likeyou did. Stopping by from SITS

  17. I Michelle, I found you throought SITS today, and wanted to wish you luck on you marathon adventure. I did the same as you in 2007 and ran 2 marathons since. I trained with TNT and like you my husband thought I was nuts. In the end, I did it and he and my children where right there cheering me on. It even motivated my husband to start running and my daugther doing 5ks. You can do it! Enjoy! Oh the running shoes make a world of different even is expensive! Love your blog and joining as a new follower!

  18. Hi - Visiting from SITS :)
    LOVE hearing stories about people who start running and find the addiction - it is great. Good luck to you. I had never run before (2 years ago) and now have done 2 marathons, 2 1/2 marathons and a few 10K's. It is great fun - but my knees are yelling at me!

  19. I also started running about 9 months ago but did the training on my own. At first I could barely run a minute now I run 3.5 miles three times a week and 1.5 miles three times a week. I ran 5 different 5K races last summer. I'm an older runner but I feel really good about what I have accomplished. My daughter and son-in-law are training for a half marathon in April. While I have no desire to do that, just watching their committment has kept me going too! Good luck with your training! Keep us posted!

  20. Absolutely wonderful! The half marathon is going to make you feel like a rock star. Just take the baby steps to get there (each mini goal will feel amazing on the way)

  21. Hi! :) Stopping by from SITS
    I just bought my first pair of running shoes too! They make me wonder why I ever wear anything else. I haven't been pushing myself too hard yet, but your post is a good motivator. Setting goals, meeting them and celebrating is the way to go. :)

  22. I wish you good luck and admire all the energy you seem to have. Submit CUTE or FUNNY photos and tell friends to vote. $2,000 in prizes. No entry fee.

  23. DO IT!!!! Nine years ago, I found my life in shambles. I was 27, about to get divorced (with no children, thankfully but now I have three with a wonderful husband = happy ending) and my father passed away unexpectedly. I had never run a day in my life and I just woke up and said, "I'm going to start training for the Indianapolis Mini Marathon". I did then went on to run several 5k's and eventually ran the Chicago Marathon. I had always hated running but you know what? It literally saved my life at the time. I would not have made it through all of that without running. Get a great playlist, tie back your hair, and GO! Good luck!

  24. Wow! This is awesome! Running holds a lot of respect and intrigue for me. Way to go. :D

  25. Something else we have in common! I have been running off and on for years, but since Hubby and I started dating and I've been extra busy with the kids, I haven't even been working out much at all. I just started back a few weeks ago and I am thinking that I want to run in a 5k in September. If I'm determined, I know I can do it! I also bought a new pair of running shoes a couple of weeks ago! We should help each other stay accountable! :)

  26. Way to Go!! I wish something would just click in me and make me like to run, I try and try but just hate it. There is a great app I use on my iphone called C25K (couch to 5K) it's awesome for training on your own..

    Good luck!
