
Monday, March 8, 2010

Bloggy Boot Camp - What I Learned

This past weekend I attended Bloggy Boot Camp in Baltimore hosted by SITS.

I had a blast and met tons of amazing ladies. The icing on the cake was Catherine from Evolving Mommy came all the way from Colorado for the conference and to visit.

The conference was small, less than 100 women, most of which were moms, all of which were bloggers. The atmosphere was very friendly and welcoming and we even had rotating assigned seats to encourage mingling.

There were several different sessions and I learned a ton. Here are some of the highlights:

1) I need to buy my URL. End of story. It is $10, what have I been waiting for?

2) How to improve SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Tara from Feels Like Home gave an amazing presentation highlighting the top 10 things we can do to optimize our blog traffic from search engines. Being a hobby blogger this was my far the most informative, helpful session of the conference. I learned so much and she gave me so many easy things I can do. I am excited to begin to implement some of her recommendations.

3) The Wordpress vs. Blogger debate. There has been a lot of buzz in the last 6-9 months about moving your blog to WordPress from Blogger. Some of the reasons why WordPress is better were explained such as you own your own content, better SEO, more flexibility and customization, and variety of other reasons. I am still not personally ready to move to WordPress. There is a decent financial commitment as well as a time commitment to learn the new system. For now I am going to buy my URL and focus on some different improvements but plan to reevaluate in 3-6 months and see what I think.

4) Set goals for my blogging and keep it simple. Just try to do one new thing a week. Baby steps.

5) Keep my focus. Blogging shouldn't be stressful, blogging shouldn't make you feel guilty! This is me sometimes. I enjoy blogging so much. I enjoy writing, I enjoy reading other people's blogs, and I enjoy the sense of community. Time is at such a premium at this point in my life. I feel guilty and stressed when I can't post enough or can't read the blogs I follow at regular increments. This was an important message for me to keep my focus and chill. I blog because I enjoy it. If it becomes just another chore or another stressor I am doing something wrong.

6) PR, Amy from Resourceful Mommy also gave a great presentation about PR. She talked about putting together a PR kit, how to pitch, and knowing your boundaries. She reminded us we don't have to work for free and when we work with companies doing reviews and giveaways, if we aren't charging we are working for free. She also talked about the importance of networking online through forums and groups of other bloggers. She reminded us to be professional in all avenues, Twitter, Facebook, and our blogs.

7) I need a Facebook Fan page for my blog. I've seen others do this but purposefully kept Facebook for my IRL friends and Twitter for my bloggy friends but it looks like creating a separate, business Facebook Fan page is important.

8) Despite rumors, the FTC is not going to fine mommy bloggers for not properly disclosing reviews and giveaways. The FTC puts out guidelines and would have to start an enforcement action to do anything, and even then they are going to target advertisers and PR people. Disclosure doesn't have to be detailed or fancy. Simply saying, "Acme Co. provided this product for review" within the post is adequate disclosure.

9) Even though I am a social person and love meeting new people, 3/4 of the way through the day I was feeling overwhelmed. Instead of putting myself really out there and trying to meet a bunch of new people at the end of the day, I mainly stuck to people who I had already met earlier in the day or looked familiar to me. I feel like you can only put yourself out there so much before you get a little uncomfortable. Also it was such a whirlwind, everyone's names, blog names, Twitter names, and faces were swirling around in my head. By late afternoon it was becoming a jumbled mess.

10) I am not ready for a bigger conference, yet. I feel like I learned a ton and I am excited to put what I learned into action but I am glad I didn't jump the gun and sign up for BlogHer 2010 before having this experience.

This Saturday I have another bloggy event, Momz Share an event for local Baltimore, DC area bloggers. This time it should be a bit more laid back and about half the woman. With any luck I will meet a bunch more great local bloggers, can't wait.

The view from the Pier 5 Harbor Room

Tiffany from SITS

The view from the front of the conference room


  1. It was such a great experience! I went to Blogher last year and the only thing that made it really enjoyable for me was that I had several good friends there with me. It would have enormously intimidating otherwise. I'm going to MomzShare this weekend, I hope to see you there!

  2. You were on my list of 'people I want to meet', but never got the chance to talk! Great wrap up post! I'm jealous of all you mommas all together in the area!

  3. I agree, this was such a wonderful experience. So thrilled to meet you in person!!! Now, maybe we will get a chance to really talk at Momz Share, huh?

  4. I think Momz Share will be an even better chance to get to know people in the area to make connections with. Can't wait!

  5. I totally agree with you about feeling overwhelmed towards the end. There are only so many hours in a row you can be "on". I was dying for my bed!

  6. Oh, wow! How fun! I wish I could have gone.

    So I guess I need to buy my own URL, huh? Any idea how I do that? (I know! I'm such a noob! Don't laugh!)

  7. It was a fun conference. I love how alike we think sometimes because I was playing with the idea of doing a list too.

  8. Great recap! I know I already told you at the Bloggy Boot Camp, but I do love your blog's name!

    For me, I made a Facebook account that is specifically for the use of social networking it is affiliated with all my blogging stuff. I use another Facebook account for just family and real life friends.

    I felt pretty overwhelmed by the end of the day, too. But it was a lot of fun and I'd go again if I could.

    Looks like I'll be seeing you again at Momz Share on Saturday.

  9. Awesome recap and the great photos! I agree I am so not ready for a big blogging conference like BlogHer. I love the intimacy of this group even though at times I was overwhelmed. Great to meet you!

  10. Sounds like it was a great time filled with amazing information. Thanks for sharing it!

  11. I don't think I am serious enough about blogging and I am a-okay with that. :) Although I am interested in buying my own URL...what are the positives?

  12. Wonderful re-cap. I've enjoyed reading what everybody has taken away from the conference. I've decided to stick with blogger also because I'm not really into monetizing my blog (not that I would ever turn it down). I'm sorry we didn't meet in person. Luckily I live not too far over in Delaware so if you ever go to OC for vacation we can do coffee instead. Hope you are having a great week. Oh and great pix too!!

  13. Happy SITS day!

    So glad to meet you! Come by and visit if you get a chance!

    Much love !

    Glad you had so much fun!

  14. Thanks for the tips! I'm looking to find a conference near me soon and I can't wait to go! I love your blog it's so stinkin cute! I'm a new follower to your blog and loving it!

  15. Sounds like you had a great time and learned lots! I haven't been to a blog conference yet, but I would love to go. Cost is just prohibitive right now.

    Why make a facebook fan page? That is one I have been curious about.

  16. Oh how I wish I could attend something like that! WOW! I would love any more tips you learned or expanding on the ones you posted about. Please visit my blog and give me any tips (this blog is about 2 weeks old but has extra content put in from my previous blog).
    I'm going to follow you and I would love if you would follow me back!
    Jody from Mommy Moment

  17. CONGRATS on your SITS day!

    I'm enjoying reading all the valuable lessons learned at Bloggy Boot Camp. I wish I was able to go. I'm hoping to make it to the Austin one since I have family there.

    I'm with you on #5...I recently felt much stress about blogging often. I'm allowing myself to only blog 2-3 times a week. After all, my family comes first. :-)

    Congrats again on your day in the spotlight!


  18. Oh I just realized I couldn't leave a comment from my wordpress blog here. You may want to change will encourage others to leave comments. My blog is I don't have a blogger blog anymore.


  19. Sounds like a great conference. And by the pictures in your title, there is definitely more in your life than dishes and laundry. Happy SITS day!

  20. It sounds like you had a great time! And learned sooo much! I definitely need to look into the URL!

  21. Happy SITS day! I hope to be able to attend a smaller conference like this soon. As for blogging platform - I think it depends on your goals for your blog. If you're trying to go commercial then I think a paid platform is better, but for me, with a "journal" type blog, blogger is just fine. However, I reserve the right to change my mind HAHA!

  22. Wow - thanks for putting up the things you learned! Would've been fun to go. I am new at all this bloggin we will see where mine will take me :)

  23. Happy SITS day! Thanks for sharing your tips from boot camp, they seem pretty helpful!I almost went to the Bloggy Boot Camp but life got in the way and I was unable to go. I'm hoping to make it to the next one soon.

    Like some others asked- what are the benefits to purchasing your url and how much does facebook really help?

  24. Congrats on your SITS day! So nice that you all get to attend the Bloggy Boot Camp! Thanks for sharing what you've learned in the boot camp! :D

  25. Weren't we just talking about your SITS day? Yay!

  26. Wow, it sounds like you learned a ton!!

    I'm going to the one in Phoenix in May and I'm really excited to go!

    Good luck with all of your new blogging tips.

  27. Wow, sounds like a blast! I wish I could have attended. Happy SITS day!

  28. Visiting from SITS. I wish I was close enough to be able to attend a blogging event. I've been trying to figure out why Wordpress is supposed to be so much better, so nice to get another perspective. I'm not ready to learn a whole new ball game... I just got started recently with blogger.

  29. So glad you had fun! Sounds like a fabulous conference - I would love to learn more about SEO - its the one area that I'm working on with my blog... oh, I really hope next year someone decides to do a conference in the South East... within driving distance of Charleston (or better yet here!)

  30. I really want to attend a bloggy bootcamp soon! Thanks for the awesome recap! :)

  31. First of all Happy SITS Day!

    Thanks for the information on what you learned. I'm hoping to attend a small blogging conference sometime soon. I'm very intrigued about the buying your URL and will be looking into it for sure.

  32. What a great write up. Thank you for taking me there and sharing your insight. Keep writing. xo

  33. Great report on bloggy boot camp! Oh and happy SITS Day! Can't wait to attend the SF bootcamp! Now following you!

  34. I really appreciated your #5 - blogging should be fun. I once set a goal to blog every day of 2010. That turned blogging into a chore that I procrastinated doing - so I stopped worrying about it. Now, I blog for fun, and I'm blogging 29 days per month! I really love having blogging as my hobby - it suits me well and makes me happy :)
    Enjoy your SITS day!

  35. Such great info!

    I am hoping to attend the Houston conf this fall--and I loved reading your thoughts.

    Happy SITSday!

  36. Stopping by from SITS:)Thank you for the great tips for all of us who couldn't be there.I'm a new follower. stop by my blog when you get a moment.

  37. I wish I could have gone to that. We don't have anything like that here in Australia....yet! :)

    Found your blog through SITS!

  38. Sounds really good! would have loved to be there! x

  39. Happy SITS day!
    Sounds like a great conference :)
    Lots of great tips,I still question the blogger move myself...some really big blogger are still on it and it's user friendly which is a plus.

  40. Stopping by from SITS - sounds like a good conference. Thanks for sharing your tips with everybody.

    Happy SITS Feature Day!

  41. Michelle, THANK YOU for this information!! I found you on SITS tonight and I love your place!! I will be back:) Hope you'll stop by my place soon.

  42. Thanks for the awesome review! I will have to think about purchasing my own URL. I never really thought it was affordable to me!

    Here from SITS, by the way!

  43. Thank you for sharing what you learned. Happy SITS day! I look forward to reading your blog regularly. :)

  44. Sounds like you learned some good stuff. I need to attend a conference myself.

    Happy SITS day! :-)

  45. This was really helpful, esp. since I hope to be attending Bloggy Boot Camp in Philly later this year! I can really relate with SO much of what you said, especially the bit about feeling guilty when blogging falls through the cracks every once in a while! Great blog and happy SITS!

  46. I learned a lot just from your post. Thank you. I will be following you and yes haha, there is more to life than dishes and laundry that's why my house is sometimes a mess! lol Found you through SITS.

  47. Sounds like you learned a lot of great things. Thanks for passing some of them onto us.

  48. Congrats on your SITS day! And thanks for sharing all of the tips from BloggyBootCamp!

  49. Sounds good. There's a conference here in the UK in July (the first of its kind that I know of over here) and I'm hoping I'll be able to go.

  50. Stopping by from SITS - looks like a great time and some fantastic topics! I've been working on some of these myself - it gets a little overwhelming at timed doesn't it!?

  51. Great hints and tips here! Although I don't really know what the 'financial commitment' is with wordpress. I've heard a few people mention it, but Wordpress didn't cost me anything other than my domain name! great wrap up. I do wish the SITS girls would come to London!

  52. I love #5. Great tips. Thanks for sharing.

  53. Sounds like a great event. I have to figure out how to do the San Francisco one! Thanks for sharing everything you got out of it!

    And happy SITS day to you! I'll look forward to seeing your future posts!

    Outrageous joy,
    Kathy over at Everyday Bliss

  54. Wow, sounds like a lot of info to take in. But definitely interesting!

    Sandie Russo
    zaftig2k at yahoo dot com

  55. I wish I was there. I hope you enjoyed the day.

    Enjoy your SITs day.

  56. Thanks for sharing this. Very useful tips! Happy SITS Featured Blogger day! :-)

  57. cingrats on your sits day seems the boot camp was very interesting

  58. Thanks for sharing this... I was curious what happened at these boot camps... Now I'm even more sad they are so so far away

  59. This was very informative! I am going to also check out the other links! Thank you! I am a new follower :)

  60. Sounds like a great time!! I too have noticed people setting up Facebook Fan pages...but I always feel embarrassed about asking for 'fans' - let alone become my OWN fan. LOL.

    Visiting from SITS.


  61. Great tips and a lot fun - good combination!

    Happy SITS day!


  62. Sounds like a fun time and a great learning experience. I sure hope one comes to Cleveland sometime.

  63. These were all really great tips. And it's true...owning your own URL really is beneficial.

    Happy SITS day!

  64. Sounds like an awesome time!

  65. Happy SITS day, I so wish I could have been there! Reading all the posts about conferences makes me with I was in the US!

    I have been thinking about the whole WP/blogger thing and have decided that I have enough freedom with blogger at the moment (with my own domain) that it's just a fun hobby for me and nothing I want to really make a financial commitment to at the moment.

    Have a great Wednesday,

  66. I had such a great time at Bloggy Boot Camp too!
    I can't wait for Momz Share this Saturday.
    Maybe then you can tell me how much money you had to slip to Tiffany to get your SITS day!? LOL

  67. Looks like you really spent a useful time over there in Baltimore. I too feel guilty about blogging, especially as my husband barely tolerates it...Greetings from Italy. Louise.

  68. As a newbie, I really appreciate your thoughts on your conference. Happy SITS day, too! Your blog is beautiful!

  69. Happy SITS day! Thanks for the rundown of the conference. I was wondering what they are all about. I'm moving to the Baltimore area in a few weeks. Glad to hear there's an active local blogging scene. I haven't met any other bloggers in real life. That would be such a benefit!

  70. Fantastic!! And congrats on the SITS day- enjoy it!!!


  71. Stopping by from SITS. Thanks so much for this great information! I would like to go to a conference in the near future but until then these are some great points to get me thinking. Off to check out the rest of your site!

  72. I wish I could've gone! I live right here too! Stinkin moving expenses....oh well, there'll be others right?

    Happy SITS Day!

  73. Thanks for the recap. I'm new again to actually having my own blog and I'm interested in getting more information. I tried it a few years ago, but stopped. Now I want to do it regularly. Any tips to give to a new blogger?

  74. Sounds amazing. Wish I could have gone!

  75. Sounds wonderful! You're so lucky to have been able to go!!

  76. Sounds like a great experience. I'm with you though - I'm not ready for Wordpress yet.

  77. That's awesome! I'm glad you had a good time...I'm thinking about the philadelphia one in Sept.....we shall see!!

  78. It was a fabulous time and I am just like you. By the middle of the day, I was shutting down from meeting all the new people.

    But I am so glad that I got to meet you. :)

  79. That really sounds like a great time. I'll have to see if I can find one close to me sometime. I just moved to Wordpress and love it...but it was scary! ;)

  80. I am really bummed that I did not attend. It sounds like you got a lot of good information!

  81. The camp was a great experience. I feel awkward walking up to people and introducing myself. Once I start a conversation all is well, but the intro is the hardest.

  82. Gotta admit... I'm bummed I didn't speak to you in person. I caught you from across a few tables... and wondered, "What, who is she, I wonder?" Then, noticed your name tag said BrennBug, and thought... OMG - HAVE. TO. MEET. HER. Read her all the time!! But then, after the presentation, I scrambled over to Tara for some SEO questions. The rest is history. Looking forward to staying connected. Laughing that now "I" can put a face with a name... Not sure if you can! Happy SITs day!

  83. Hey, congratulations on being the featured blogger of the day. I enjoy "meeting" someone new every day. The conference sounds like it was very informative. Couldn't make it, but have been reading different blogs of girls who did go and they all say the same thing. Go to the next one.
    Great blog.

  84. Sounds like a great time! :)

    I need to adhere to some of those listed, glad I am not the only one.

  85. Happy SITS day! Thanks for sharing these tips from Bloggy Boot Camp! So helpful!

  86. Happy SITS Day! Thank you so much for this very informative post! I'm planning on the Austin Boot Camp, and now I know much better what to expect!

  87. This really made me want to attend a blogging conference! I'm going to google Canadian ones right now! Thanks for sharing all the stuff you learned it was a really great read!

  88. Love your blog. Thanks for posting about the SITS conference. It sounds like fun.
    Cheers, Lia

  89. Sounds like you had a good time. I hope to make it to the Philadelphia one.

    Enjoy your SITS day!

  90. It's great to hear how much you got out of it. I wish there was one closer to me!

    Happy SITS day!

  91. Congratulations on your SITS day! I, too, have been debating the Wordpress vs Blogger, but honestly I'm just too technologically challenged for it, just yet. Maybe one day, when I have more time and energy and less laundry!

    The buying your site is a great idea. As a budding author, I also bought my name. Once you get a name for yourself, those things are snatched up and held hostage.

    Beautiful blog by the way!

  92. Well I found you via your happy SITS day and yet this post was just so informative! I'd also like to know more about purchasing my domain name.
    I had to take a step back from feeling I HAD to write daily, sometimes no ideas come to me and some days I don't have time to write all I want. Balance in all things I say.
    Can't wait to look around more.

  93. I enjoyed this recap of the event. Sounds very informative.

    Happy SITS Day.

  94. I'm hoping that they have a bloggy boot camp here in Florida soon. Sounds like you learned a lot. Don't worry about feeling overwhelmed with meeting new people. It's hard to do when a conference is a few days long, never mind just one.

  95. Sounds great! Just fyi I made the move from blogger to wp - free! You can too. Tutorials are great and really helpful! Here's my blog if you want to see what I did:
    I made the move because Blogger was shutting so many great blogs down. And since Google doesn't have a contact person, it was just a mess. So I moved to avoid this happening to me.
    My info is on the about me page if you need help and want to email.
    Good luck whatever you decide!

  96. So glad you went and had a great experience!! If they ever come to the south I am definitely going! Happy SITS Day!!

  97. Stopping by from SITS. Thanks for sharing your experience. I've never been to a blogging conference.

  98. What a fun time! I wanted to come to the boot camp so bad but couldn't because we had so much going on that day. Happy SITS day.

    Jamie :)

  99. happy sits day! love the information on your blog, super cute too! anne

  100. I would love to have gone but alas, too far away. Thanks for posting the quick notes and Happy SITS Day!


  101. Sounds fun! I wish they were coming near me- BOSTON would be nice SITS!!

  102. These were fantastic tips. I needed to hear the one about being a hobby blogger and making it fun for me. Ive been blogging for a year now and Im starting to make it a chore. Thank. This helped me refresh a bit.

    Visiting From SITS Happy SITS day!

  103. Thanks for this post. My feet are just a little damp in the blogging ocean and posts like this help inspire me to continue the journey and persevere. I'm glad you had fun at Bootcamp and I hope one day to attend one!

    Visiting from SITS!

  104. Thanks so much for the overview! I have been loving the different perspectives on Bloggy Bootcamp, it really helps those of us who didn't go get an idea of what to expect! Have fun at your event this weekend!

  105. I really appreciate your report on the bootcamp and sharing what you learned.

    Happy SITS Day!

    Molly Burke CPCC MSU
    Queen of Confidence
    "Everyone can use an extra boost of confidence every now and again."

  106. I came from SITS...and you just taught me a lot! Thanks!!
    Congrats on SITS Day!

  107. Happy SITS Day!

    I am excited to be attending Boot Camp in Phoenix in May and reading your recap has me enthusastic:-)

    Interesting about buying your URL. I need to get a nuts & bolts 1-2-3 on how to do it, what *exactly* (and hopefully easily) to do, etc.

    re: Blogger vs Wordpress - I have heard the same thing! I have three blogs now (two active and one not so much) and only the oldest one is in Blogger. I kept hearing "Wordpress is better" so started my newest one in Wordpress without really knowing the details of WHY it is better. Great to have it spelled out.

  108. Thanks for making the point that it's best to start small in terms of conferences. I am unable to make Blogher this summer and was bummed about it but after reading your post, I'm glad that fate intervened and now I'm going to focus on Philly Bloggy Boot Camp.

  109. I'm so glad you posted this! I am planning on going to Bloggy Boot Camp in Philly so now I know a little more what it's gonna be like!

  110. Blogging conferences (like any conference, I suppose) can be overwhelming. I went to a wordpress wordcamp recently. I was so blown away by all the good ideas that I shut down and couldn't take anymore in. I still haven't done my "top 10 things I learned from wordpress wordcamp" list yet, but I'm going to. I can never get enough of blogging tips from expert bloggers. Plus, lucky you meeting all of our SITStahs!

  111. Thanks for sharing your experience. I learned what I should be asking about from your comments. So much to learn.

  112. Great recap of the event. There is just so much to learn! I like the reminder that blogging should be fun.

  113. My fav tip is #4. I tend to want to do it all at once... I need to remind myself... baby steps.. one thing at a time.

  114. This sounds like it was a lot of fun. Would have loved to been there.
    I'm surely taking notes from your post.

    Thanks and happy SITS Day!

  115. What a great summary of an awesome day! I felt like I learned a lot, and that I met a lot of people... but then I read posts like this and I realize that I barely scratched the surface... I want to go back and meet you too!!

    (and it was funny to see my goofy mug in your last picture. I need to smile more often, even when I'm taking pictures!)

  116. Stopping by from SITS. Thank you for these tips. I"m going to Bloggy Boot Camp in Austin, but have to wait until October. I've been trying to find something here locally in the D/FW area, but haven't really been able to.

  117. Very interesting! But I want to calm any fears that Blogger does not allow you to own your content. In the terms of service it is stated very clearly that you still own your content. The only thing that Google acknowledges is that you are granting "Google a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to reproduce, publish and distribute such Content on Google services for the purpose of displaying and distributing Google services." Which basically is a fancy way to say they can link your blog wherever they want. It's basically the same right you give any one in the public really by allowing public access to your blog. :) So while I don't know what the Terms of Use are for Word Press, you can rest easy that you're not going to lose rights to your pictures, blogs, videos by posting them on Blogger. :)

  118. Thanks for the great overview. I have been considering going to a boot camp, and this helps cement my decision. Happy SITS!

  119. Congratulations on your SITS day!
    Your post made me feel better about my blogging experiences. I like the idea that if you're doing it for fun and it doesn't seem fun anymore then you're doing it wrong. So many great tips. I would still like to go to a conference, if they end up having on close to or in Florida. Glad you wrote this post and linked as one of your best!

  120. Great list of stuff. I'm going to have to look into some of it as a newbie blogger myself.

  121. Very cool! this sounds like so much fun and very informative! I just got my url a week ago and I'm so so happy I did. I see you haven't done it yet, you totally should!!! :) I'm going to blogher in august this year but its kind of turning into a girls weekend with some girlsfriends as well, so not so much pressure. I can't wait! Hopefully I'll get to meet you at one of these bloggy events soon!

  122. Great hints and I understand the overwhelmed bit.. thats me esp when I don't know a lot of people.

    How does one go about buying their URL

  123. It sounds like this was such a great experience! I can't wait to attend one.

  124. Wow! Looks like you learned a lot. Alot of people say to move away from Blogger, but I love it! I would love to learn all the SEO tips & how to put a PR kit together. Guess I need to attend Bloggy Bootcamp if it ever comes near me!

  125. Did we meet? I think we did...but I'm terrible at remembering and I had a hard time getting around and meeting everyone.

    Happy SITS day!

  126. This was great! I felt like I was there and I did learn a few things reading your review.

    Happy SITS day!

  127. Really enjoyed your post and tips and was wondering if you could elaborate on them. I had never even heard of blogher and bloggity bootcamp and all of that until just recently and I don't think there is one near me. Would love to have a tidbit of what you learned.

  128. You have me very excited to attend the Phoenix event. I've been thinking that I need to buy my URL too . . .

  129. Great post! Def. get your own URL. I was on Blogger for 2.5+ years and just recently switched to Wordpress in December. It has cost me some $$ with design, transfer, etc. I consider this a hobby and the money spent is less than my husband spends on his hobbies. I went to BlogHer last year and Blissdom this year. I prefer the smaller conferences. I am actually thinking about not going to BlogHer this year.

  130. Boot Camp was such a valuable experience. I really wanted to meet you and talk to you, but I never got the chance, and I regret that. You are one of those bloggers that I stalk, and am too intimidated to comment on their blog, because you're such a huge presence in the mommy blog world. Hoping to get the chance to meet and talk with you someday. Fantastic recap, and Happy SITS Day! What an honor!

  131. Seriously great recap!! I'm excited that you'll be at Momz Share. I'm hoping for some really good chat time this weekend! A mini continuation of last week. :)

  132. I got a lot out of this post, glad to meet you! but holy cow girl...thought you were stressed about blogging before, look at all your comments today!
    Happy Sits day....hope you'll stop by but understand if you can't make it...sleep and all.
    Following you on twitter and here as-well.

  133. I really wish there was one of these in Atlanta. I would love to be able to attend!

  134. So loved reading your perspective! I think I am going to try to get to the San Fran one but I live in Indiana so we will see...:)

    I am a new blogger (just started this past December) and I am VERY intimidated by the big name conferences. I think this would be a good place to start so thank you offering an honest perspective.

  135. Great review...I really want to be able to go to Bloggy Boot Camp someday! I loved #5 on your is so true!

  136. Hello glad you enjoyed it here with us at the Pier 5. A note on Wordpress, getting started with it can be cheaper then you realize. You can pay for a domain name with yahoo or google and then use a Wordpress template. You can't do quit as much, but you can still get the look. Check out, it is a Wordpress but it is hosted by yahoo currently. I pay 13.50 a month for it, and it looks fabulous. My partner in crime designed it for us, as another thing with Wordpress is it is harder to maneuver. You really need at least a basic knowledge of html and css code to work with it.

  137. Great info!! I should check out one of these conferences. It's nice to meet other people with the same goals and questions as you. Very cute blog design, btw!!

  138. Thanks for sharing your experience with us; I would love to attend one if it comes close enough to my area. It must've been exciting to meet fellow bloggers!

  139. Thank you so much for all these great tips. I'm still pretty new to all this and still trying to figure it all out.

  140. I so wanted to go and it didn't work out. I'm hoping to be able to make the Philly one. Thanks for your sounds like I'd get a lot out of it!

    Happy SITS day!

  141. Happy SITS day to u and thank you for sharing such wonderful tips and information .. i hope i can attend one such conference.. seems like quite an amazing get together ..

  142. Congrats on your SITS day and thanks so much for sharing your experience at Bloggy Boot camp. I wanted to go but my blog is purposefully anonymous!

    So you provided a good overview without me having to blow my cover =P

  143. I am looking forward to going to some of these events...thanks for sharing your thoughts about Blogger vs. Wordpress, I've been thinking along the same line..keep it on blogger and buy a domain name. Congratulations on being the FB!

  144. Good to read. I am going to the Phx one - I even won the free ticket for it! So it's nice to know what to expect. It is very overwhelming with a lot of new people and new info coming at you in a very short time, but you have to just relax and take in what you can. I hear you on keeping your IRL and Twitter friends separate. I do that too and I like it much better. Then when I need to gripe about my IRL friends, I have a place where I can do it and not have it catch up with me!

  145. Happy belated SITS day! I really enjoyed your write up Bloggy Boot Camp.

    I'm going to Blogher for my first blog conference. It might be overwhelming but didn't know about this other option before registering.

  146. Happy SITS day!

    I was excited to read your recap and tips as I'll be attending Bloggy Boot Camp in SF in August. As a "hobby blogger" as well, I found it incredibly useful.

  147. It does sound a little overwhelming but I would love to go! Maybe if they get closer to where live.
    Again, happy SITS day!

  148. Happy SITS Day! GREAT blog recap! I wasn't able to be there and I was so sad!! But next year! =)

    LOVE your pics by the way. Your kids are gorgeous and you and your honey look so in love. AWESOME! I'm a new follower! =)

    ~MandyP of Random Thoughts (
