
Monday, March 15, 2010

A Year Later

It's been a year and I still feel out of place more often than not.

It's been a year and I still miss the familiar sites, familiar people, the ones I love.

It's been a year and I've experienced more new things this year than I could've imagined.

It's been a year.

I can't believe how quickly the time has passed.

On March 14, 2009, we arrived here in Maryland after hubby accepted a job across the country, in a state we had never been, where we knew no one. The 4 day trip with a moving van and 3 kids was a little bumpy but we made it. I felt like there was a reason God wanted us in Maryland. I still am not 100% sure of what that exact reason is but I can say I have grown tremendously as a person and we have grown as a family and that may be enough of a reason. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone requires tremendous faith but can result in tremendous growth. As much as hubby wishes we were back in Colorado, I am content to be wherever life takes us as long as I have my husband and my kids by my side. Because when it comes down to it, being with the ones you love is truly what makes someplace home.


  1. Have you seen Bolt? There is a really cute song in that movie (even cuter when sung by a 3 year old) that says, "There's no home like the one you've got, 'cause that home belongs to you!" This post was so sweet and reminded me of that. Glad to know you are at peace with things.

  2. I completely agree. Being out of your comfort zone can be tough, but can be so wonderful for growth :)

  3. That would be so hard. Love your attitude!! I bet it's been kind of fun. I have always lived in the same place...would love to just up and move sometime!! (or maybe not...LOL)

  4. living away from everything you've ever known is VERY hard but, can be very rewarding too :o)

  5. You all are lucky to have each other:)

  6. I can only imagine. I think I will probably feel this way soon when I move.

    Although, I am coming to Annapolis in May...

  7. I know how you are feeling. We moved from Oklahoma to Mississippi in September. We just hit our 6th month mark at the first of this month. It was hard to leave everyone behind that we care so much for but things here are so much better and I am right there with you when you said I will go where my life takes me as long as i have my husband and my kids. I still want to go back to Oklahoma and I always will. But we do make our homes where ever we are at the moment that is for sure.

  8. I moved 8 times by the 8th husband and I have live 8 places in 16 years...I think it's all an adventure! I often tell my kids I think our ancestors were nomads! As long as I have my peeps with me, it feels like home!
    Of course, Colorado is a really beautiful place to call home! I found myself dreaming about it yesterday! That's where I fell in love, so it holds a special place!

  9. It's so great that you are content where you are. I've lived in the same small town my entire life, and although mine or my husband's dream jobs aren't here, I feel comfortable. We've thought of moving, but I said I'd have to move my mom and sister with us! I think that would be the hard part! I'm glad your family has adjusted well! You will look back one day and know exactly what God's plan was!

  10. Home is where the heart is. I always tell Luke that I will go anywhere as long as it's with him. I miss you, but I know you are gaining so much from this experience.

  11. We just moved here to PA a few years back not knowing ANYONE! So I completely understand!

  12. That sure is the truth! The most important thing is being with the ones you love the most.

    Side note, my husband has been talking a lot about moving to Colorado. Not sure how serious he is since he works in the entertainment industry and LA is the place for that!

  13. Very good thoughts you have here. <3 You seem to have taken the move gracefully too.

  14. Hello from Colorado! We have moved here from Iowa, and we are thinking of moving again and it sooo stresses me out. I understand how you feel.

  15. Darling- thank you for reminding people that having your husband and kids around you is WHAT matters- we moved from the West Coast to the East and while sometimes it sucks (no more free babysitting or dinners at the Country Club with the grandparents) most of the time it teaches you- or forces you- to rely on your OWN family for support etc. Anyway- Hang in there :-) If I were in Maryland we could be friends- for now, the blogging thing is pretty darn cool!

  16. We did the same thing...moving here knowing no one. It's been an amazing ride. I hope that you become just as happy here as we have (and we are!) but Colorado will always hold a special place in your heart. I haven't lived there for almost 17 years and I still think of that as my home state. Proud to be a Native. :)

    It was great talking with you again last weekend. Let's keep in touch!

  17. Oh wow, I could potentially write a post like this in about a year or so. We're contemplating moving from smalltown hickville USA to a place 1/2 was across the is a def more than a little scary. Kudos to you! I keep reminding myself that when the time comes to make the final decision, we will have to do what is best for the family inside these four walls first and foremost...there will be hurt feelings and missed relatives/friends...but there's always blogging and facebook to keep in touch, eh? I hope it gets easier for you!! And I hope you don't mind me adding you to my reader. Enjoy your weekend!
