
Saturday, April 24, 2010

12 Hours Until March For Babies and Still Need Help Reaching Our Goal

My wonderful son, B (9 years old) and I are walking tomorrow morning to help save babies. This is B's 2nd year walking and my 8th. The March of Dimes is a cause I am passionate about because I have seen how many lives they can change. The March of Dimes is the foundation behind the cure for polio and now they are focused on ending prematurity, infant mortality, and birth defects. The March of Dimes has made great strides since the prematurity campaign kicked off but there is still more work to be done and we need your help!

B and I will be walking rain or shine tomorrow morning 4 miles. Last year it rained the entire 6 mile route and rain is forecast for tomorrow but it won't dampen our spirit. If our efforts save even just one baby, it is worth all the effort!

Won't you support our efforts and make a donation to the March of Dimes? Any amount will help! $5, $10, it doesn't matter, just hurry, the walk is Sunday morning (4/25).

Head over to my March for Babies page:



Thank you for your support!

And as an additional thank you for helping the March of Dimes, each person who donates $5 or more by 6am EST to either me or B will receive two extra entries in my giveaway that ends tomorrow. Just leave a comment, letting me know you donated!

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