
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to you and yours! I hope today was a blessed day for you.

Have you noticed some changes around here? I now own my own URL, wow, I'm such a big girl. Since I was changing things I also updated my Twitter handle to tie into my blog title better, I am now @dishes_laundry but if you follow me @brennbug it automatically switched over so no need to worry.

Today was a laid back day for us. We went to FiFi's BFF's little sister's 3rd birthday last night and it was quite the rocking party. Having only lived in the area for a year now we still only know so many people. We were thrilled when they invited us promising it would be more of a BBQ, chance for the kids to hang out and parents to socialize than children's birthday party and they did not disappoint. We did not get home until 1am. Honestly I could not believe it! My kids rarely stay up past 10pm and on school nights are in bed by 8pm. Good thing we were all still on Pacific time from our trip and used to sleeping in really late.

Due to our "wild" night we decided against going to church this morning. We woke up around 9:30am and decided the point of Easter was to remember Christ's sacrifice and enjoy time with our family. In order for us to make it to church on time it would've been a morning of screaming at the kids and stress, not what Easter is all about. Instead we watched the kids open their Easter baskets, hunt for eggs, and hubby made us a yummy, homemade brunch. I thought it was perfect although B did pray for God to forgive us for not going to church today at our meal, silly kid!

I kept thinking we would get dressed and geocache or go for a nice walk in the great weather but we never did. The kids played outside with the neighbors. They jumped on the trampoline, played Nerf dart tag, and just ran around and got to be kids.

We finally called the kids in around 6pm and colored Easter eggs. They had a great time although FiFi's fingers may be permanently pink.

Around 6:30pm I asked hubby if he would help with dinner since I had a sinus headache and wasn't up for cooking. We gave up making dinner and ordered delivery Chinese food. Not the traditional Easter supper but honestly it was perfect.

On this day about family I truly miss my family and friends but I feel at peace with our nice, simple, no expectations life here in Maryland. If we don't want to get dressed on Easter and if we want to eat takeout Chinese food instead of cooking that is OK too. Today was a beautiful, relaxing day and honestly it was just what my soul needed after our crazy, busy vacation last week.

Happy Easter everyone!


  1. Now that sounds like a great day. We were busy busy busy all weekend long and instead of feeling rested we are going into the week feeling exhausted.

    Congrats on the new domain. I noticed the twitter change and it took a second for it to click that it was still you. ;)

  2. Congrats on the new domain! It's fun, right? :)

    I don't think your link is quite right...and I am dying to know what geocaching is!

  3. That sounds wonderful - good for you! It was a beautiful day yesterday for us too - hanging around outside, backyard Easter egg hunt, and Easter baskets! Totally commercial, but we were together as a family and thanked the Lord at our dinner table.

  4. That does sound like a great, relaxing day...!

  5. I love, love your Easter! And welcome to the new domain club! I'm glad the switch went well!

  6. I love the new look! Very much my style ;) Even though that doesn't matter. I mean. it's your blog and all :p anyway - glad you had a good holiday!
