
Monday, April 12, 2010

*Giveaway Has Ended* Review and Giveaway: Close Encounters of the Third-Grade Kind

By: Phillip Done

My Review

This book is a cute, fun, easy read. Having worked with children for the past 16 years and having three elementary aged children myself, I found the book quite amusing.

Phillip Done organizes the book into the months of the school year and includes sub topics in each month. Chapter titles go from August-June, with subtopics such as Fly on the Wall, Vanilla Wafers, The Tooth Fairy, Cursive, and Lunch Time. Each chapter is filled with little stories and events that coordinate with that month in the school year.

Having elementary aged children myself I appreciated the insight into the day-to-day classroom life of a teacher. Teachers have a hard job and as parents I don't think we can truly appreciate all a teacher does unless we have done it ourselves.

Kids truly are hilarious, often without really trying to be. The book is filled with cute stories and funny things kids say and do. Having volunteered in my daughter's 1st grade class weekly, I can attest that kids really are this funny.

The book is very lighthearted and easy to read. Several of the incidents that happened or things kids said to Mr. Done, truly made me laugh out loud.

At the end of the day, the book put a smile on my face, and made me appreciate even more what teachers do for our children. I would highly recommend it!


Hachette Book Group has agreed to giveaway a copy of Close Encounters of the Third-Grade Kind by Phillip Done to one of my readers!

First Entry:

-Leave a comment on this post telling me what your favorite book is and why. This entry is required for your other entries to count.

Additional Entries:

-Subscribe to my feed and leave a separate comment.

-Subscribe to my feed via email and leave a separate comment.

-Follow my blog via Google friend connect and leave a separate comment (current followers also count).

-Blog about this giveaway and link back to the giveaway. Leave a comment with the link to your post.

-Follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway. Leave a comment with a link to your tweet. You can tweet once a day for an additional entry. Just copy and paste: @dishes_laundry is giving away a copy of the book Close Encounters of the Third-Grade Kind

Please leave your email address in your entries. You cannot win if I cannot contact you!

Contest ends 4/25/2010 at 9:00pm EST. Contest is open to residents of the United States and Canada. Mailing address of winner cannot be a P.O. Box. Winner will be drawn using Winner will be contacted via email and have 48 hours to claim their prize.

Good luck!

*I was provided a copy of the book by Hachette Book Group to facilitate the review. Hachette Book Group is also providing a copy of the book to one of my readers for the giveaway. This is not a paid review and all statements in the review are solely my opinion.


  1. FUN! I really wanted to read this book, so I am super excited!

    My fav book is Little Women because I so ID with the main character Jo March.

    And my e-mail is

    And of course I follow you:)

    I'll let you know when I Tweet about it tomorrow:)

  2. This book sound like fun! I'd love to read it and pass it along to some of my friends who teach.
    I'm a follower.....of course!


    I gave up twitter, but I'll try to blog about this later this week!

  3. Pick my favorite book?! Help! I love so many but will settle on Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.

  4. I'm following you on Google friend connect.

  5. My favorite books are any by Karen Kingsbury...but this book by Done is absolutely hysterical. I teach PreK and Kinder and every chapter absolutely had me laughing. I really enjoyed it :)

  6. I tweeted it!

  7. I subscribe through Google Reader :)
