
Monday, May 17, 2010

Motherhood is Not Glamorous

This weekend was supposed to be a busy but fun weekend. Saturday was a blast. I managed to go on my training run, garage sale with the family, go to the kids' spring fair at school, go to the mall, and painfully watch in person as the Orioles gave up a 2-0 lead in the 9th inning to lose the game 8-2.

When we got home the fun started. I saw the window in FiFi's room ajar in an unusual way so I casually asked Wyn who had been playing with it. To which she responded, "Brennan, he's been climbing on the roof." I kid you not folks, this actually happened! To make matters worse, my 10 year had not only climbed on our 2nd story roof once but numerous times over the past few months. Needless to say I was so pissed, I was almost speechless. Obviously my very smart child B has no understanding of danger or much fear for that matter.

Boys never cease to amaze me with the things they do. They are so different than girls, it truly is amazing. I would've never considered doing half the stuff B has done when I was a child and B is a good kid. He is very smart, gets good grades, and rarely gets in trouble, but when he does...

His punishment was being grounded for 1 week. In our house that involves no playing outside or with friends, no electronic devices, no DS, TV, computer, radios, etc. Since he is older and could've been very seriously injured as a result of his actions we also grounded him to his room for the day yesterday. He could leave his room to get ready, eat, and do his chores. While in his room he could play independently or read. Reading is his favorite thing to do and he often reads in his room for hours at a time anyways. So it isn't as awful as it sounds.

This was just the beginning of my fun day. Sunday morning we wake up and start getting ready for church. May 24th is hubby and my two year wedding anniversary so we had a date planned to attend a local event called Wine in the Woods. Hubby planned the entire date, babysitter included. Wyn complained of a stomach ache when she woke up but I encouraged her to eat and keep getting ready. Saturday was a long day for all of us and she ate way too much junk. I was sure she would be fine after she ate. She continued acting sick so we decide to skip church and cancel the babysitter. She ended up throwing up twice after that. I am glad I cancelled when I did.

So our anniversary date turns into me cleaning up puke. Fun times. See, motherhood is not glamorous! But wait there's more. We find out from B that FiFi drew on her brand new bed with marker, on purpose. At this point I honestly am thinking, "holy crap, does it never end." Hubby has a talk with her, makes her clean it up and proceeds to ground her too. Now we have 1 sick kid in bed, puking, and 2 grounded kids, while we were supposed to be on a date celebrating our anniversary.

Things ended up turning around. Hubby called and made dinner reservations for the 24th so at least we'll get to do something. I got a lot accomplished around the house. I scrubbed the bathroom like it hadn't been done in who knows how long, cleaned the kitchen, cooked, and did many loads of laundry. I also managed to go to the farmer's market alone, where I found a tomato and zucchini plant for my garden, read 60-70 pages in Eat, Pray, Love, and watched Julie and Julia with hubby.

So while the day didn't turn out how I thought it would, all and all it ended up being a good day, less the sick kid, two grounded kids, and cancelled anniversary date. I can't complain too much though because this is my life as a mother of three. Sorry to say but motherhood is not glamorous and I know this will not be the last time I am cleaning up puke instead of doing what I would like. Thing is, I wouldn't trade it for anything, puke and all.


  1. Parenthood really is a sacrifice! As I say about my students...good thing we love them! Otherwise we'd just about kill 'em!

  2. Awwwww. That is so sweet. Definitely sounds like you were faced with a few challenges, but I love how you guys were able to find the silver lining.

  3. Kids get in the way of all the fun! ;) It is a good thing a mom's heart can hold so much love, especially when those tough moments come around.

  4. Happy Anniversary!! You'll get your date, I'm sure. In the mean time, better you than me on the puke deal. I can't see it, hear it, or smell it.

  5. You have a great attitude about it! It's hard to bounce back from a couple of disappointments. You sound like you kept very busy though!

  6. As a mother of seven, I can so relate to this. Happy anniversary, anyway!!
