
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Maryland Zoo

Today we met some friends at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore. I received a fabulous end of year gift from my bosses, a family membership to the zoo (and a bottle of wine and Starbucks gift card but who's bragging?). It was our first time there and we had a blast.

FiFi's BFF and her mom and siblings met us there. Her brother is 9 and her sister is 3 and my kids are 10, 9, and 7, so it works out perfect.

Some ducks along the way

B was convinced this goat was fake the entire time. He even was going to touch it's eye, crazy kid! Good thing he didn't. What a patient little goat.

The BFF's in the petting zoo

Giddy-up horsey!

Wyn and A were buddies the entire day, so cute!

Wyn's favorite animal, the giraffe

Wyn even used some of her own money for the special treat of getting up close and personal to feed the giraffe.

It truly was a great day. The weather took a slight break from the unbearable heat and humidity we've been experiencing and it stayed in the low 80's today. There was lots of walking and any time you have 6 kids with you it gets noisy but we had lots of fun. We can't wait to go back and explore more now that we are Maryland Zoo members.


  1. That looks like a ton of fuN! A gift of a free pass? NICE!!

  2. I love the zoo. Ours here is free so you'd think we'd go all the time, but we don't go nearly enough. Those are great pictures.

  3. I love that picture of Fifi. I keep saying I need to take Maddy down to the Zoo but I keep running out of time.

  4. LOVE the zoo! What a great gift! (I asked my parents for a Science Center membership for the family and I in lieu of toys for Christmas... best decision ever).

    If you can, head to the zoo on rainy, drizzly days. TOTALLY empty and so much fun.
