
Monday, June 21, 2010

School's Out For Summer!

We started out our summer break off with a bang today with a trip to the doctor's office (Wyn ended up having a sinus infection), a trip to Toys R Us for B to purchase electronic banking edition Monopoly, and a trip to Target for a return, antibiotics, and a purchase, topped off with lunch from Panera. Oh, I can't wait for the exciting things to come this summer.

In other exciting news all our window air conditioning units are installed (thank you hubby) and our neighbors (kids' friends) just upgraded from a 2 foot to a 4 foot above ground pool. The summer is shaping up well except for a doctor's visit on the first day of break but that is how things happen for me!

Top 10 Things I am Looking Forward to on Summer Break

10. BBQ's.
I love throwing parties, eating yummy food, and hanging out with great people. Summer makes this even easier because we have a great deck and backyard to hang out in too.

9. Organizing my house, selling stuff on Craigslist and ebay, and donating the rest. It seems like so much of this gets pushed aside when I work full-time. Now that I have the next 9 weeks off from work I look forward to trying to get caught up on these things.

I love scrapbooking but I don't really have the time for it during the year. I also don't have a space in this house to spread out my stuff. In the summer I can spread out in the morning, get a bunch done and still clean up in time for us to eat dinner at the dinning room table.

7. Sewing
I began learning to sew last fall. I took a few classes and completed about 3/4 of a table runner and two place mat project. First step is ordering the broken part for my sewing machine. Sewing may never be my favorite hobby but I would like to learn how to sew more and devote some more time to it.

6. Reading
I love to read. I go through phases where I read a lot and then I won't find much time to read for months. I have at least 10 books at home I want to get through and summer is the perfect time.

5. Sleeping in
I love sleep, probably more than most people. My only real complaint about my job is I have to get up at 5am each morning for work. I am looking forward to being able to sleep in everyday. Even with activities I shouldn't have to get up before 7am. When you are used to getting up at 5am, 7am sounds like heaven. So far the last two days I have woken up slightly after 6am with no alarm. This one is going to take some work and getting used to.

4. Cooking
I know I am a dork but last night as I was browsing through my Food Network magazines trying to meal plan I was so excited that I will have so much more time to try new recipes. I really enjoy cooking and I really enjoy trying new recipes. When I am working I still cook but some nights I am too exhausted to cook so we just have something easy or hubby cooks. Last night I made the most delicious reuben sandwiches, tonight I am making a new talapia recipe, and later this week I am making french toast stuffed with lemon curd and blueberries. Delicious!

3. Blogging
I never have the time I want to devote to my blog and the blog community I would like to. Hopefully I can spend at least some of the extra 40 hours a week I am not working, writing my blog, reading others blogs, and commenting on blogs. I love you ladies. Thanks for sticking with me even when I only get a post or two in a week.

2. Traveling!
I love to travel. The kids and I have a road trip to Virginia and North Carolina planned for next month. We are going to Colorado in August and we are camping for 4 days at Assateague island over labor day weekend.

1. Spending more time with my kids.
I am most excited to spend a ton of time with my kids. I am really blessed to have the great job I have. I follow my kids' school schedule, get Monday's off, and I am home by 4pm each day. School nights still get hectic with kid's activities. Even with no activities between dinner and homework I maybe get to see my kids for 2-3 hours a night. We have lots of free and affordable activities planned, lots of trips, and lots of rest and relaxation planned. I think they are as excited as I am!

What do you have planned for summer? What are you most excited for?


  1. I'm going to be scrapbooking this summer, too! I'm working on my wedding album! Which I started two years ago! Ekk!

  2. I'm working on house projects this summer, too, everything from purging the clutter to painting to installing new siding. I'm hoping I'll be able to blog in between all of that and taking care of the kids.

  3. I keep saying I am going to put some things on Craigslist but I haven't even begun that yet! I'll be working on the nursery first.

  4. Sounds like you've got an amazing summer planned. Me? I've got plans, but I bet I don't get to any of them! Oh well!

  5. This sounds like a great list! I am working on a few house projects as well. I also want to learn how to sew as well and thinking about taking a course. Its hard though my kids are young and NEVER leave me alone...I am sure we will spend every day outside in the pool though :)

  6. I seem to have less time for blogging and far less willingness to organize:)

  7. I will never think you are dorky for getting excited about cooking. One of my favorite ways to spend a Friday night is reading cookbooks, writing my grocery list and sipping a cup of tea. Now that is dorky.

  8. Oh I love this list. I'm most excited for a trip to the beach. We missed it last year.

    As far as the sewing goes, yay! You'll be amazed at all the things you can make once you get the hang of it.

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