
Friday, July 23, 2010

Summer Road Trip - Part 1 Colonial Williamsburg

Last week the kids and I hit the road for a 7 day road trip to Virginia and North Carolina. Colonial Williamsburg was the first stop on our road trip and it did not disappoint. We stayed on property because the rate was ridiculously low and you got a steep discount on admission tickets. We didn't do Busch Gardens or Water Country this trip but definitely will on our next trip. We had a great time and I thought my school aged kids were the perfect age to appreciate the history and learn a thing or two while we were there. Here are some highlights from the first stop on our road trip:

The hotel pool was bigger than most value hotels and we spent every afternoon there escaping the heat.

We also had access to a bunch of outdoor recreation activities at another hotel property so we spent one evening playing mini golf, trying out shuffle board, and playing on the playground all for free.

One of our favorite activities was free storytelling that we just happened to stumble upon at the other resort hotel. The storyteller was from colonial times and was very engaging and very funny. Both FiFi and B got chosen to be part of the first story.

B was trying to be funny with the storyteller and she called him out on it and made him play a girl in the story. He was dying of embarrassment, as any 10 year old boy would but it was very funny.

The next day we toured the historic area. This was the Capitol building.

Next to the Capitol building was the jail. People were not sentenced to jail during colonial times. They were either hung or let free. The jail was small and only held prisoners until their day in court.

Then we toured the coffeehouse. This is where men on business at the capitol talked politics and hung out. Women were rarely there and only if brought by their husbands. Our tour concluded with samples of coffee, tea, or colonial hot chocolate, a dark chocolate melted with cinnamon and dash of cayenne pepper, very yummy.

There were all the shops and trades from colonial times. This was the blacksmith. While we were there they were making nails and a door latch.

The governor's palace was regal indeed. I was in awe of the size and splendor. The house maid gave us a tour as well as a delightful story, there was to be a ball at the palace this evening and this dress is what one of the daughters was to wear. Seems to fit Wyn perfectly!

Governor's Palace

That evening we dined on 18th century cuisine at a local tavern. The entire place was illuminated by candlelight. There were musicians, a fortune teller, and the waiters taught you 18th century games.

FiFi had to try out the 18th century highchairs.

We didn't take a carriage ride this trip because the temperatures were scorching and I thought it wouldn't be all that enjoyable in 100 + degrees.

B thought these animals were fake, silly kid!

Our trip was a blast! We will definitely be back. Colonial Williamsburg is affordable, fun, and only about 3 hours from our house. Next time we'll take hubby along too because he missed out on so much fun this trip.


  1. Great Pictures! I absolutely LOVE Colonial Williamsburg. I have been there several times as a kid and then a few more once I became an adult, and still just love it so much! It holds many sweet memories, so thank you for sharing your vacation with us!

  2. I've eaten at that same restaurant in Colonial Williamsburg! What was it called? My whole family liked it, and we have pics in those same chairs!

  3. The trip looks fabulous. I certainly wouldn't mind going on this trip, very interesting. I like it that you mixed fun with education. Good Job!

  4. Those pictures are awesome! What a cool trip! I want to go!

  5. That looks like so much fun - what a great combination of activities!

  6. What a fun trip. I bet your kids had a blast.

  7. I wanted to go there this summer! That was my choice for a road trip, but alas, I lost! After seeing the fun you had? I am pushing for it next summer!

  8. Visiting Williamsburg has always been a dream of mine!! I SO enjoyed seeing this post. Your family is very blessed. I still hope I can do it someday!
