
Monday, October 11, 2010

100 Miles Down, A Lifetime To Go

I met a big milestone in my running yesterday, 100 miles ran! I can't believe I've made it this far. I am halfway through my training program to run a late November 10K. So far the training is going well and I am up to 5 miles as my longest run to-date. I am still not the fastest runner, but I don't run to win races, I run to beat my personal goals and finish.

I'll be honest with you, I am beginning to feel a little burned out after back-to-back training programs. I have been training since April, with about a 6 week break after my 5K race, and before my 10K training started. With the busyness that school brings, three children's activities, and working full-time fitting in my weekday training runs has been harder this fall than last spring. The heat has finally let up and we've had exceptional running weather which is nice but the days are getting shorter and it gets dark relatively early, which makes it harder to run with kids in tow. My hubby started running too and is training for this crazy, 9 mile obstacle course race next April. We've been trying to run together, which means we run on a paved trail and the kids bring their scooters. It's less than ideal but we still get our mileage in.

I know I'll finish my 10K strong but I am beginning to doubt if I have it in me to train for a half-marathon in the spring. I know I do, but the early mornings, never sleeping in, and busy schedule are wearing me down. To be honest with you, I am looking forward to finishing my race strong and then having almost 6 blissful months with no structured training program, to run when I feel like it, to work on speed and endurance, but at my own pace. I hope after that respite and having Sunday mornings to sleep in, I'll be fresh in May to start training for a fall 2011 half-marathon.

Running is a lifestyle change, it is so addicting, you feel so good setting goals and meeting them, pushing yourself in ways you never thought possible. I know running will be part of my life going forward but you have to listen to yourself and say, "training was good, but breaks are good too.

To start this week off right I am going to head off on a blissful, 5K run, with no kids in tow, music blasting, just for fun. I know I'll feel better when I get back.

1 comment:

  1. Very enlightening and beneficial to someone whose been out of the circuit for a long time.

    - Kris
