
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Lead Me

Several weeks ago I first heard the song Lead Me by Sanctus Real. For me it struck a chord and has since become one of my favorite songs. It seems to come on the radio just when I need to hear it. I wanted to share the song and video with you, my readers.

Sanctus Real is a Christian band, but Christian or not, as wives, mothers, and husbands the message is powerful. I don't claim to be an expert on marriage, I've only been married 2 1/2 years and in relationship with hubby for 5 years, but I was married before, I know what didn't work for us. I have seen countless marriages fail and crumble under the day-to-day pressures of life, as well as countless marriages succeed.

Hubby and I are also part of a small group at church for stepfamilies. We alternate between doing stepfamily studies and marriage studies. The group has been such a blessing to us and our marriage. Last spring we studied a book called, Love & Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, and the message was similar, men need respect, women need love, and went into great deal how you can meet your spouses needs, which of course leads to a happier, more fulfilling marriage. As much as it may not seem like it at times, women want their husband to be the leader of their house and to lead and take care of them and men want to provide and take care of their families.

One thing is for sure, marriage is not easy. There are many things necessary for a successful marriage but a marriage cannot be sustained on love alone. A marriage needs constant work and effort, undying commitment to one another, and willingness to be partners in life, and take everything head on together. I especially like to be in control, to try to have everything my way, but really I want my husband to lead me and need to give up some of that control.

Take a minute and listen to the song, very powerful!

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