
Monday, February 21, 2011

The Winds Of Change Are Blowing Through

Big changes are on the horizon for our family! My hubby accepted a position with a national brewery in Colorado and we'll be moving at the end of the school year.

Changes and moving of course elicit mixed emotions. We are so excited to live close to our family and long time friends in Colorado again. Comparable homes in Colorado are about $100,000 less in Colorado so we'll be able to purchase our first home and have a mortgage payment that is less than our current rent.

Hubby has lived many places and Colorado is the place he really wants to live. He likes the weather, he likes the culture, he likes all the wide open spaces, and outdoor activities. While I've only lived in California, Colorado, and Maryland, I'll agree that Colorado is pretty great. The pace of life is different and people are generally more friendly and welcoming than the east coast.

Moving to Maryland was a good thing for our family. It allowed us to grow as a family of 5, separate from our extended family and long time friends. Nothing strengthens a marriage more than having no one to depend upon than each other. We found a church that was great for us with an active stepfamily small group/class and over the course of the last 2 years hubby and I have both learned a lot about being a stepfamily and strengthening and nurturing our marriage. I have had the pleasure of being a nanny to adorable twin girls who were 2 months old when I started working for their family and will be 2 when I leave. My income has helped us to meet numerous financial goals, as well as hubby's job here has been great experience for his career.

We've met some amazing people here in Maryland and have made numerous good friends. The hardest part about leaving is going to be leaving all these wonderful people behind. Our home in Colorado will always be open to visitors so any of you Maryland friends who want to come visit Colorado, know you always have a free place to stay!

I won't lie, being close to our family and our long time friends will be so nice. While we've met some great people here in Maryland and have found some friends we can really depend upon, it is not the same support system we have in Colorado. We want our kids to grow up knowing their grandparents and aunts and uncles on a regular basis, not through once a year visits. Also being a stepfamily is hard work. Hubby and I have never had any couple time before having kids. We started our marriage as parents to 3 kids. Being able to squeeze a date in here and there without going broke paying a babysitter will be nice too.

So a lot is changing over here at my house but I know it is all for the best and I am excited for all the changes to unfold. I hope the next few months which promise to be chaotic, pass quickly and we quickly get settled into our new home, Nate quickly gets settled into his new job, and the kids quickly get settled into their new school. And if you're a Colorado blogger, please leave me a comment. I'd love to connect with some Colorado bloggers over the next few months.

The winds of change are blowing through and we're coming home.

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