
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Happy 3rd Anniversary To The Love Of My Life

Our wedding vows still ring as true today as they did on our wedding day three years ago:

"Nate, I promise to be faithful, supportive, and loyal and to give you my companionship and love throughout all the changes of our life. I vow to bring you happiness, and I will treasure you as my companion. I will celebrate the joys of life with you. I promise to support your dreams, and walk beside you offering courage and strength through all endeavors. From this day forward, I will be proud to be your wife and best friend."

You took my hand that day...

and never let me go

and with the signing of the license it was official

no more yours, or mine, everything was now ours, including these three gorgeous kids

But our love and our story didn't start that day, three years ago, we've spent 5 1/2 years together (didn't we look so cute and so young back then).

We did crazy things together, like take a trip to Vegas together when we'd been dating less than 3 months. It worked out ok though because on that trip I think we both realized the other was someone they could see themselves marrying.

And since we were talking about marriage, I took you all the way to California to spend Christmas with my family, all before our 1st dating anniversary.

February 10, 2007, you popped the question at the site of our first kiss and my heart melted. A mere 15 months later we were husband and wife and off on our amazing honeymoon to Maui (we can't wait to go back)!

But times aren't always easy, 2009, held a cross country move for us away from all our family and the death of Nate's mom but I still held your hand through all of that and you held mine.

2010, held many joyous times such as my sister's wedding. Can't you see the love on our faces in this photo? But we also lost Nate's grandma and I kept holding your hand tight, never letting go.

After being married for a few years you realize that a good marriage needs constant work, love, and attention to grow. You have to be 100% committed to being committed and I know we are.

You are not only my husband, lover, you are my best friend, and I can't imagine sharing this journey called life with anyone else. Nate, I love you more than you can imagine! Don't ever let go of my hand, good times or bad, and I won't ever let go of yours!

Happy 3rd Anniversary!

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