
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Adventure + Alone Time = Great Date

Last weekend hubby and I got to have an awesome full-day date. We spent the day in the mountains whitewater rafting and finished the day out with yummy lunch at a local brewpub. We didn't capture any pictures of the actual rafting since we had to lock our stuff in our car once we checked in but it will suffice to say rafting was EPIC and we had a great time.

We rafted the Brown's Canyon section of the Arkansas river in Buena Vista. This is a popular stretch of river for whitewater rafting. It has class III and IV rapids and we were lucky to raft on a high water day to make the adventure even more fun.

This wasn't my first time rafting this section of river, this is near where I went to church camp as a teenager and we rafted it with camp each summer. Nate and I even rafted here before when we were first dating. It was neat to see all the familiar landmarks on the drive there.

Since Nate and I are seasoned rafting pros we did decide despite all the fun we had, we are ready for a bigger challenge and need some class IV and V rapids next summer. I think we may take this trip next time if I can figure out a way to get a discount. This rafting trip only cost us $29 per person thanks to Living Social.

We asked our river guides for the best local place to eat in Buena Vista and they sent us to Eddyline and we weren't disappointed. We sat in the sun on the patio and enjoyed a sampler paddle of 6 of their beers, delicious hummus and pita bread, and a very unique but yummy whole wheat pizza made with fresh lavender.

The day included about 6 hours of driving between driving to rafting, driving back to my father-in-laws to pick up the kids, and driving home but it was great scenery and nice weather so it was hard to complain about all the car time.

Highway 285 near Fairplay, South Park, and Como in what I call, "the big field in the middle of the mountains"

South Park, Colorado, you know, where the show South Park is set.

Cows, fields, and mountain backdrops, breathtaking!


Our seat on the patio

We're happy to be back in Colorado and happy to be able to go on fun dates like whitewater rafting and lunch at a local brewpub. Yay for summer! Yay for rafting! Yay for local beer! Yay for dates with my hubby!

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