
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Goal Update

I set goals at the beginning of the year and listed them here on my blog to help hold me accountable. I haven't posted an update since March so it is time.

1) Be debt free except student loans! We met this goal by the end of March and what a great feeling. We now are working on building up our 6 month emergency fund by the end of the year. Once that is fully funded we will start paying down student loans as quickly as possible.

2) Become homeowners. We did it! We closed on our house June 17th and couldn't be happier. This house and neighborhood are more than we ever imagined we'd be able to afford. The home buying process is long and difficult and we plan for this to be our "forever" home.

3) Be ready to start trying for a baby. I guess plans change. When we started planning for our big move and buying a house we were planning to wait until next spring to start trying for a baby instead of this year. Then when the job I thought I had lined up didn't pan out and I didn't have any other strong prospects we started discussing starting trying sooner. After lots of talks during our trip to Yellowstone hubby said he was ready to start trying so in August we tried and in August we got pregnant. I guess it was meant to be.

4) Run a half marathon. This pregnant mama still runs but I am not ready to take on training for a half marathon while pregnant though running a few 5K races sounds like a good short term goal. My BFF and I are already planning to train together and run the October 2012 Denver half marathon. I should be about 5 months post baby, which means I'll start training 2 months post baby. It will be a great way to lose the baby weight and having a goal and your BFF as a running buddy should keep me motivated.

5) Eat healthier, exercise more, lose 10 pounds. I had met my weight loss goal by March. Starting my pregnancy at a low weight is great and so far I've gained 3 pounds and only have a few days left in the first trimester. For not having any morning sickness, 3 pounds is awesome. My goal for first trimester weight gain was 3-5 pounds. I've definitely been eating a more balanced diet since becoming pregnant. My homebirth midwife gave me lots of diet information and I had to keep a diet chart so she could see what I ate. I think I do pretty good, not perfect but good. I am only doing so-so with exercising more. Since my blood pressure has been high my goal has been to exercise 6 days per week, with running being 3 of those days. Right now I'm running about 1 day per week, with the other days being long walks or bike rides. I am not sure why but I am in a bit of a running funk. I need to update my iPod with some new songs and find a running buddy. I am getting tired of running by myself. In December I am going to sign up for a 3 day per week prenatal water aerobics class which I hope keeps me accountable. I figure if I have something on the calendar 3 days per week, getting the other 3 days in will be easy between walks and bike rides with the family and some running. My goal is to run as far into my pregnancy as I can but at least into my 3rd trimester.

6) Attend Sunday morning worship at church at least twice per month. In Maryland I did great at this and was going 3-4 weeks per month. Since moving to Colorado not so much. We tried a church that the kids loved but I only thought was so-so and really didn't feel like it was the one. We found out about another church about a month ago that we want to try but my hubby has literally worked every weekend since then except the one weekend we were out of town. We are planning to try the church this Sunday and I hope we like it.

7) Post new blog content at least 3 times per week. It looks like in August and September I posted 8 times each month, or about 3/4 of the way to my goal. The rest of the months since March have been less. I went to Bloggy Boot Camp Denver in September which got me excited to try some new things but I'll be honest, life with 3 kids is busy, even if you mainly stay home. I post as often as I can though 3 times per week is still my goal with M, W, F, being the ideal days I'd post on.

8) Manage my time better. Be more on time. I'll be honest, I still run late but I think I am doing much better in this area. I've been on time to numerous events over the past year and even the first to arrive at several events which in the past never happened to me. I am still late about 1/4 of the time but even that 1/4 of the time I am less late than previously.

9) Save more money. Spend money wisely. Not making much progress in this regard. We are still working to save more and I am still working to cut back our discretionary spending.

10) Travel to my heart's content. This has been a lame year for travel for someone like me who has the travel bug. We did manage a road trip/camping trip to Yellowstone and Grand Teton that was a fabulous 6 day family vacation. It was super affordable and we used up some vacation time hubby had to take before the end of the year. I just booked a long weekend trip to Maryland to visit friends in a few weeks. I am looking forward to seeing the twins I nannyed for, a friend's new baby, and lots of other old friends I already miss. Besides those two trips 2011 was not a big travel year for us. Not sure 2012 will be either with a newborn but I'd like to take at least one big trip next year.


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