
Monday, October 10, 2011

Prenancy: 10 Weeks

10 Week Baby Bump

Side View

Due date: May 4, 2012

How far along: 10 weeks

Weight gain: 3 pounds

Maternity clothes: Yes, the outfit in the pictures above is from Motherhood Maternity. I definitely cannot fit any of my pre-pregnancy pants. For shirts I can fit some pre-pregnancy shirts that are looser through the mid-section. Maternity shirts make me look pregnant not fat so I like that.

Baby bump: The baby bump has definitely made an appearance. Everyone who said you show much sooner with your second pregnancy wasn't kidding!

Gender: We still aren't sure if we are going to find out the gender but my intuition from the beginning is that it is a boy.

Heartbeat: Not yet, but maybe at today's appointment.

Movement: Not yet

Symptoms: Overall I feel great! Symptoms so far are: tender breasts, hungry more often, and ready for bed by 8pm.

Exercise: Since my blood pressure was high at my 8 week visit I've been trying to be consistent with my exercise. My goal is still to run 3 times per week but it really has been once per week. I usually go for long walks 2-3 other days and long bike rides 2-3 other days. Fitting in the exercise or finding an exercise buddy is the hardest part because walking, running, or bike riding is always more fun with a partner.

Next Appointment: Today is my next midwife appointment. At my 8 week appointment my midwife wanted to see me in two weeks because my blood pressure has been high. It still tends to spike at least once per day in the afternoon but overall has been lower and most readings are in the normal or pre-hypertension range. We will see what my midwife says at today's appointment but if my blood pressure doesn't go down I will have to give up my plans for using a midwife for a homebirth and transfer care to an OB and deliver at our local hospital. The whole idea of transferring care bums me out but I know it is not in my hands, it is in God's hands and whatever is meant to happen will happen.

Here is the link to the Baby Center: Your Pregnancy: 10 Weeks Some of the highlights are: the baby is the size of a kumquat, and weighs less than a quarter ounce, the baby has finished its most critical development, vital organs are in place and starting to function, the baby has fingers and toes, and can bend its limbs, your uterus is the size of a large grapefruit. In the coming weeks the baby will double in size.



  1. Praying it all goes well and you can stay with your midwife:)

  2. You look fabulous!! I was amazed at how quickly I began to show with my 2nd pregnancy, as well.
